Which Lens Do I Use?

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It is impossible for me to view this world without viewing it through my own personal filter. My experiences and thoughts do matter, and they influence the way that I interpret the facts that are presented to me. I am unable to separate the two. My filter does not change the facts. It will only serve to change my perspective of those facts. This is why so many perspectives exist when we are presented with the same facts.

How does this impact me regularly? Well, we all have our default filters. Our go-to filters where we have allowed the neural pathways to be created. Scientifically speaking, the only way that I am going to be able to avoid my default filters is to retrain my brain with some sort of alternative pathway. I cannot do this without being intentional. I cannot do this without taking my thoughts captive. I cannot do this without providing a replacement.

One way that I can provide a replacement in my brain, or actually change the pathway, is to reframe my circumstances. Reframing is nothing more than creating a different way of looking at a situation, a person, or even my relationships. While I do not have control over what happens to me, I am absolutely in control of how I frame it in my mind.

For years my work has been extremely difficult. I have come home feeling discouraged and overwhelmed. When asked about my work or the workday, I would often think to my default and say, “It’s hard. It’s bad.” I’m not saying that I was lying. I wasn’t. There were parts that were extremely hard. No one enjoys getting yelled or screamed at. No one enjoys getting cussed out. No one enjoys getting hit or kicked. No one enjoys that. However, at the same time that these parts of my job were happening there was more going on.

Every teacher loves to see breakthroughs. In my classroom children were changing not only academically- but emotionally, and behaviorally. In my classroom students became my kids. In my classroom the team of adults became close like family. In my classroom we were big on encouragement and fun whenever it was possible.

Both the good and the bad were happening simultaneously. The filter that I was using, and the way I framed the day determined the kind of day I was having. What part of the day would I focus on? Which part stuck out more to me? It wasn’t the facts that determined this. It was truly my filter. The facts didn’t change. Good and bad were still happening. But whichever pieces I spent the most time thinking about determined the way I viewed my day.

So how do I change my filter?

One huge thing I can do to assist with my ability to reframe my thoughts is to be intentional about looking for God’s goodness in every situation. Why? We find what we are looking for. If I am looking for the good in something, I will find good. If I am looking for the bad, I will find it.

An image that helps me wrap my head around this concept involves taking two birds. The first bird is a buzzard and the second bird will be a hummingbird. Let’s say that we took the two birds to the same location or territory and let them go. If we were to watch them, without a doubt the buzzard will find something dead. Every time. Why? The buzzard looks for dead things. That’s what it does. Now take the hummingbird. What will the hummingbird find? The hummingbird will pass by that which is dead, it is looking for something else and it will find it. The hummingbird is looking for something sweet.

Friend, we aren’t so very different from those birds. We find what we are looking for. I am not saying that we should passively receive circumstances or pretend that bad things never happen to us. I am saying that we should actively interpret them through a spiritual filter. Instead of interpreting God through our circumstances, we will be interpreting our circumstances through God.

“Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)


This Post Has One Comment

  1. darlenewood1dw

    I love to watch and learn about birds, so this visual will remain with me. Thank you.

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