Keep On Asking

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If there is one thing that drives me crazy it is when my children keep asking for something from me that I don't really intend to give or do. I…

Jesus, The Giver

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Imagine the scene. Jesus has just been told that Herod has beheaded John the Baptist. John, the cousin of Jesus - the prophet in the wilderness preaching to prepare the…

He Will Give Us Rest

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This school year has been different than years past. Our school calendar has us working right up until the 21st of December. Between work commitments, dealing with crazy hyped up…

The Power of Believing

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Why do we ever doubt God? Why do we limit what God can do or will do based on our circumstances? Why do we believe that we somehow know better…

Are you living in wisdom or foolishness?

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Where you invest matters. What you invest in, matters.  Life storms come. They are inevitable. Storms do not impact only a select few, they are a part of life that…