Am I working for, or against?

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My guess is that most of us like to believe that we are a part of something greater than ourselves. We were created to desire a sense of purpose and…

Bringing Change

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Why do we as Christians look so similar to non-believers? Why do we live powerless lives? Why are we so reluctant to stand in opposition to what culture touts as…

The War Within

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What is it that wars within you? Where do you find yourself torn between what God says and what is counter to it? What temptations and struggles continue to rise…

A God With Skin On

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It's hard to relate to a God that we cannot see. It's difficult to trust what seems to be beyond our comprehension and understanding. It's challenging to live in obedience…

Extravagant Giving

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This past week I have been participating in something that I have never joined in before. Each year, Yolanda Elementary staff do a "Secret Santa" week. It's optional, and frankly,…