Am I working for, or against?

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My guess is that most of us like to believe that we are a part of something greater than ourselves. We were created to desire a sense of purpose and a drive to fulfil what that purpose is. We may not always be aware of exactly what our purpose is – but when that is the case we see people attempting with all their might to keep trying to find it and stop the ache for which we were designed.

What if I told you that I believe that our purpose can only be found in relationship to God? What if I proposed that because God is the Great Creator, He and He alone can dictate where we will find fulfillment and contentment. Apart from Him, we will never find it. We might discover our talents, but never our true gifts. We may be filled by praise from others for a job well done or some great accomplishment – but there will always be a hole that remains untouched – empty – until we know, acknowledge, and strive to live out God’s specific plan and purpose for us.

Why were we made? Why did the Creator desire to form us? Why did He choose to knit us together in the way that He did?

God’s purpose for all of us is to come into a right relationship with Him. He then wants us to help lead others into a right relationship with Him as well. It doesn’t matter what your talents are. It doesn’t matter what spiritual gifts He decides to give you. Your purpose and mine is to come to a right relationship with the God of the Universe and to bring others into a place of recognizing the Savior of the World.

God’s gifting is what specifically makes you and I the best candidates to reach others. You can reach those that I cannot. Perhaps it is due to the logistics of location, or relationship, but sometimes it is different than that. Because mankind is relational, we are more attracted to some than to others. This is why authors and speakers vary so much. This is why music genres exist. This is why there is such a variety of hobbies, heroes, learning styles – why all of it – exists. People are reached differently. Some relationships are natural connections, while at the same time there are those that despite the amount of time invested just seem “strained, difficult, unnatural.”

God designed you perfectly. He created you with a specific purpose and has a plan that perfectly matches that purpose.

Are you walking in it? Do you understand it? Are you taking it seriously?

God isn’t looking for people to quickly spread the word and evaporate out of people’s lives. God is calling His people to live lives that are all-in for Him. He wants us in a relationship of encouragement, service, listening, challenging, support with one another. He wants us investing in those He desires to be in a relationship with. And don’t be fooled: God wants to be in a relationship with all of His creation. He gives us the choice to follow Him – but He desires a relationship with us nonetheless.

Are you working for God’s plan and purpose or are you working against it?

Jesus said in Luke 11:23, “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.”

According to Jesus, we are either living His purpose out of our lives or we aren’t. There isn’t a third option of complacency. We can’t choose to live separate and believe ourselves to be neutral like Switzerland. In this plan of God’s, there is no neutral. We are either working for Him or against Him. Period.

Friend, I want so much to live this life according to God’s plan and purpose for me. I want to experience an evergrowing, ever-deepening relationship with my LORD. I want nothing less for my spouse, my children, my family, my friends – but I want to and need to desire it more. I want my heart to grow to become more like God’s heart. I want what is important to Him to become more and more important to me. People are important to God. Relationships are important to God. Therefore I cannot ignore them. Neither can you. It is what we were created for.

In the process of obedience – in the process of fulfilling our purpose – we need to also be sure that we are walking in and sharing the truth about God. God doesn’t want us spreading untruths about Him. God is holy. He will not stand for us representing Him as anything that contradicts His holiness. I cannot make God fit my likes, desires, and truths. I must work at making my sinful self fit into His.

In the words of Jesus, “Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness.” (Luke 11:35)

The world has enough darkness. We as sinners have enough darkness. We need the light that comes from the holy presence of God Almighty. God desires us to become holy, too, although we are unable to achieve it on our own merit. We wear the holiness of Christ. His holiness covered our sinfulness. We simply cannot afford to thwart the word of God. When we do, we may believe we are living in the light – but we are not living in God’s light but our own – which is actually darkness.

So I challenge you as I also challenge myself: Will we live out the purpose for which we were called? Will we be lights in the darkness? Not lights of our own selfish arrogance, but lights that are the direct result of the Light of the World? Will we desire above all else to grow in our relationship with the LORD? Will we prioritize sharing the message of Jesus with those whom God brings our way?

It is here that we find contentment. It is here that we find peace. It is here where we find our purpose.
