Bringing Change

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Why do we as Christians look so similar to non-believers? Why do we live powerless lives? Why are we so reluctant to stand in opposition to what culture touts as truth when it clearly contradicts the Word of God?

I wish that the answers to these questions were simple and easy to alter in our lives. My guess is that while some people try to simplify the answers, the reality is much more like that of an onion – with many layers involved.

What I know to be true for me is that I have made a decision to try and live a life that leaves no question to whether or not I am a Christ-follower. Years ago, I mean when I was still a teenager, while I was speaking with a friend a question came up and I stated something along the lines of being a Christian. I remember my friend was shocked. Now in part, I can make excuses such as this person was from a different culture, or this person wasn’t one of my closest friends, but the truth is I was stunned. Hurt. Convicted.

Were my faith and my beliefs so undetectable? Was the way I chose to live for Christ so subtle that it was unrecognizable? Could I really say that I was a Christ-follower if no one was able to tell by my conduct, and by my speech?

That day’s conversation was a game-changer for me. I praise God that my friend spoke so candidly with me. I praise God for the opportunity to make changes. That day literally emboldened me – and yet, friend, I still have work to do.

I believe God continues to be at work in the hearts and minds of those who are close to Him. God wants His people to continue growing. Continue seeking. God desires us to take on more and more His image instead of our own selfish ones. Frankly, God wants His people to be game-changers. Life-alterers. He desires us to be men and women who live in the world but do not live like the world. God wants His people to live by His Word and His truth. If I am speaking candidly, my guess is that most Christians don’t even know what God’s Word – hence God’s truth – even is. They are completely relying upon someone else to tell them – either in a church (when they attend), or through a pod-cast they hear, or a book they read containing someone’s interpretation of God’s teaching.

Friend, that is a dangerous route to take, right? Humans are great at twisting the truth. We omit parts we don’t like. We take pieces and use them out of context. We report what we want when we want to make ourselves and our agendas look good.

We have to make a decision, therefore, as real Christ-followers to do the work of relationship-building ourselves. Who are we building a relationship with? The King of Kings. The Savior of the world. Is there a better investment?

We are called not only to accept the gift of salvation from God, but we are called to live in a growing relationship with Him. God wants us to live this life in a way that leaves no doubts of who we are and whose we are. “No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house.” (Luke 8:16) What is the point of having the light of Christ in my heart if I am only going to hide the light? Truly at that point, my life still displays the darkness.

Jentezen Franklin, in his book titled “The Spirit of Python” says it this way: “You are not merely supposed to detect the spiritual climate as a thermometer detects the existing temperature in a room; you are to change it, imposing the authority of the Kingdom of God wherever you go.”

We are called to be lights. We were created to be game-changers. We are asked to live differently than our culture encourages. May God’s Word and His truth be the determining factors for how we live. God in His love – God in His holiness – deserve nothing less. Know the Word, so we can live the Word.
