Jesus, The Giver

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Imagine the scene. Jesus has just been told that Herod has beheaded John the Baptist. John, the cousin of Jesus – the prophet in the wilderness preaching to prepare the way of the LORD. John, the one who baptized Jesus was also the one who was leaping in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth, when Mary, the mother of Jesus visited her while with child.

Jesus is heartbroken. He loved John. Overcome with grief, but in the height of his public ministry on earth, Jesus wants nothing more than to be alone. To grieve.

Instead, Jesus plan to get alone is interrupted. Jesus puts himself and his desires aside for people. Jesus gives. Scriptures tell us about the day in Matthew chapter 14. “As soon as Jesus heard the news, he left in a boat to a remote area to be alone. But the crowds heard where he was headed and followed on foot from many towns. Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” (v. 13-14)

Jesus’ grief was still present. His heart was still hurting and in deep need of comfort and time alone with His Father, yet His love and compassion for hurting people won out. Their needs were placed before His own.

As if this were not enough – this mass healing – it is then that Jesus feeds the 5,000 men (not counting women and children)! Can you imagine his exhaustion? The toll on his body?

The 5,000 are fed, and scripture tells us that Jesus insists that his disciples go on ahead of him. He is completely depleted. It is only then that Jesus is finally able to get alone with God. “After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.” (v. 23)

Jesus knew and recognized that in His grief the Father was the only one to go to. He also knew the Father as the source of His power and strength. Talk about a long day for Jesus! And yet, this is not the end.

About 3:00 in the morning, the disciples were still not across the Sea of Galilee. Large waves and a strong wind have made the crossing difficult. Jesus, on the evening of this overwhelming day, wanting to catch up with His disciples, walks out to them on the water! And if that event were not enough, by the following morning they have landed at Genneseret and Jesus steps right back into the crowds who are bringing their sick to him. Jesus once again begins healing their sick.

Can we just pause for a second.

So often it is human nature for us to withdraw into ourselves when we are struggling – when our hearts hurt. When we feel big emotions, for whatever reason, we focus on ourselves and forget about the needs and experiences of those around us. Not Jesus. Never Jesus. It’s always been about others for Him. Always.

Jesus is the epitome of a giver. And, Jesus is a skin-on representation of His Father in Heaven. Jesus said that when we see Him, we see the Father who sent Him.

Friends, God is a great giver! He will not stop giving. He will not stop loving. He will not stop healing. He will not stop providing for our needs. His heart, like His son’s, is filled with compassion for His people.

For GOD so loved us, that He GAVE us His one and only son.

May our hearts be overcome by the Giver this day, and everyday. May we never take for granted the gift!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ron Davis

    Thank you for this days reminder

  2. Lynn

    <3 !!!

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