God Alone Can Be Trusted

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How many times have I failed to trust God with my circumstances? With my life? I may say that I trust God, but although my mouth proclaims it, my heart and my actions do not align with what I am saying.

I know I am not alone. This was something that Israel did, too, in the wilderness.  

It is fascinating to me and at the same time, incredibly humbling, that one minute we can be touting God’s great love, provision and faithfulness – only to be side-bared by uncertainty, doubt, and fear such a short time later. How can we forget so quickly? How can our circumstances impact our hearts and heads so dramatically in such a short period of time?

It looks something like this: I am sitting reveling and thinking about some experience where God’s provision has been made absolutely evident and my mind and heart are here: “But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.” (Psalm 77:11-12) I am praising God. I am reflecting on His greatness. His love. His work. I am amazed by all He has done, and how deeply loving it is toward me.

How long does this last? Typically not long. Certainly not long enough. One thing leads to another, and my praise fades with my memory. I become consumed with something else. Some other need arises, or situation presents itself, and my trust in God immediately falls into questionable places – whether I am aware of it or not!

Friends, I do not like to see myself as an Israelite who is wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years trying to learn a lesson of trust toward a God who is capable of meeting all my needs. One lesson. Forty years. How it must have grieved God’s heart when consistently each need was met and provided for, and almost immediately the provision was forgotten, while complaining and doubt filled the hearts of His people.

“When the LORD heard them, He was furious. The fire of His wrath burned against Jacob. Yet, His anger rose against Israel, for they did not believe God or trust Him to care for them.” (Psalm 78:21-22) What makes God angry? What incites His wrath? When His people doubt Him. When they no longer believe Him. When they no longer trust Him to care for them.

In spite of His wonders, in spite of His provision and visible presence in our lives, we are guilty of this too. We refuse to trust Him. Our hearts harden towards God and His goodness.

“Then they remembered that God was their rock, that the Most High was their redeemer. But all they gave Him was lip service; they lied to Him with their tongues. Their hearts were not loyal to Him. They did not keep His covenant.” (Psalm 78:35-37)

Regardless of what our mouths say, our hearts and our actions give us away before God. Our Creator is not fooled by our words. God isn’t really interested with words that proclaim obedience. He wants our hearts. He wants our minds. He wants us to trust in Him, and Him alone.

Like sheep, God wants us to trust the Shepherd. He is watching over us. He is near. He is able to protect us against attack. He will provide for our needs. “But He led His own people like a flock of sheep, guiding them safely through the wilderness. He kept them safe so they were not afraid; but the sea covered their enemies.” (Psalm 78:52-53)

God can be trusted. He alone can consistently prove His trustworthiness. May our hearts find such great comfort in His provision to meet each need that we never stray from Him.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Della

    I just went through this in the middle of the night or morning 1:00am but after an hr of praying and questioning myself The song Into my heart came to mind and I fell asleep while singing it. The same song that came to me while in the hospital. Every time I went in for a test that song gave me peace.
    Im so sorry I did not trust first. I’m growing

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