What is it that God is prompting you to do? How do you believe God is calling you to live? What is it that God is encouraging you to give up or get rid of in order to have your heart and life become holy? Where is it that you tend to face temptation and are most vulnerable to be led astray?
My heart is heavy with sorrow. I am overwhelmed by the amount of hurt, grief, struggles, health issues, relational issues – all around need around me. I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of need that I am called to lift up in prayer before the LORD. While I know that I am not the One called to carry this load, I do believe with all my heart that I am asked to walk alongside others. Pray for them. Help them. Reassure them. Encourage them. While none of these tasks are wasted, while each investment I make of time, energy, and resources feels right and good – I am often left feeling as if I am spinning my wheels and traveling nowhere. Just as quickly as a need is met, or a person is helped, it seems some new need presents itself or I am made aware of another person in crisis.
I am tired. I feel depleted. Overwhelmed. An insignificant drop in the ocean of need. And yet – obligated. Needed. Appreciated. Gifted. Loved. Not abandoned. Called.
Over and over again my mind pictures that I have been given the gift of life, not to serve myself, but to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth. While I am far from perfection – while I miss things: people and opportunities – I know that God wants me to feel the importance and the weight of need in the lives of others and be motivated to do something about it. He wants my faith in Him, my belief in His word and the example He set on earth through Jesus, to impact my life and the way I interact with others daily.
I am reminded that Jesus was tired. He would heal. He would meet needs. He would be present for those that approached Him again and again. Time and again Jesus would give. He would give of Himself. He would give through the provision of miracles – and he would give just by his being present. His life was not lived with a “self” focus. His life was lived with others in mind.
If I want to truly follow Jesus, and be more like Him, I need to tune my heart to His. I need to ask that my eyes be opened to see the needs of those around me. I will ask for eyes to see people as God sees them – as having great value and worth. Worth investing in.
Less self. More love. 1 Corinthians 10:24 “Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.”
God asks me to love others well. To be his hands and feet. To abandon selfishness. Putting the needs of others before my own. What then, is to become of me and my needs? How will they be met? Who will look out for me? The One who created me. The One who knit me together and saw me in my mother’s womb. The One whose love knows no end. The One whose power cannot be limited. The One who is capable of knowing and meeting each of my needs.
Love to read your notes every morning. It makes me really think about what i need to be doing. Thank you.
This is the kind of heart that I can follow. Thanks.