How does the word “help” sound to you? When you hear it – when it is offered – does it sound more like a offense or a blessing? Does it bring a sense that others believe you are incapable or does it bring a sense of care and “being seen” by others.
My guess is depending on how we receive that word will go hand in hand with how we view our need for a Savior.
What was the purpose or reason that Christ came, walked among us, and then died on the cross? He knew we needed help. We were drowning in a sea of sin, and without the life saving gift of Jesus we would die in it. And yet, many still choose to die in their sin. They don’t want His help. They don’t feel that they need it. They’ve got this on their own. Thank you very much.
I don’t know about you, but if I am drowning – in anything – be it my sin, my job expectations, projects, commitments, or literally drowning – I welcome help. Instead of viewing my need for help as a weakness, I view it as a gift. Someone cares enough to step in. To be there. Meet a need. Walk alongside me. Encourage me. Lift the load.
Help isn’t just something I receive, it is something that I want to provide. To minister or encourage others. To show care.
Recently, in an effort to help someone in need, the truth of what I am writing about became clear to me. This person was so deeply offended by the help that was being offered, albeit in a delicate way. After more than a week’s passing, this person was still struggling with being offended by the help extended. Their hearts feelings spewing out into words spoken, “There may have been times where I have needed a hand up, but I have never needed any help.”
I have never needed any help.
I’m not sure what to do with that. In fact, it breaks my heart. Friend, we are capable of doing some really amazing things on our own, but each and every one of us experiences times in our lives where – let’s face it – we need help. We simply cannot manage or make ends meet without it. It may be something so seemingly small and insignificant – like needing help with transportation for a child, needing someone to drive you to an appointment, or bring you a meal in a time of sickness or loss. It may be something that seems large – like a financial blessing when there was no way to make ends meet, or provision of housing with a friend while in-between homes. Whether help is given in big or small ways, the message is the same: I see you. I care about you. I want to encourage you. I am here for you.
A heart that refuses help – a heart that sees no need for it – most likely sees no need for help from a friend that surpasses all other friends – Jesus. Friend, unless we are willing to admit that we need help – His help – we will miss the boat. We miss out on grace. Hope. Love. Forgiveness. Peace.
Help from Him is a gift – an eternal gift from Him. May our hearts be softened to receive it not as condemnation, but as love.
“So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
Thanks Michelle, I needed this. I hate being disabled and I have a hard time accepting help. I’m working on it and asking Jesus to give me a nudge when I hesitate to accept the help when it is offered. I am a work in progress.