Giving Praise, Anyway…

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I'm sure I am not the only one who has ever had waves of annoying things happen to them. I am not a big fan of annoying things, but when…

God’s Timing

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I clearly do not understand God's timing. His ways so often include that which I cannot see or take into consideration. It's no wonder that when we pray to God,…

Faith In The Unseen

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It's easy to have faith - or at least have our faith strengthened when we pray and believe and immediately (or at least fairly quickly) receive a response. But what…

Knowing, But Not Obeying

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The end of the year is always challenging for teachers. All the time spent at the beginning of the year, and then the reinforcing midway through about the behavioral expectations…

The Great High Priest

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Why is it that Jesus is given the name of High Priest? What does it mean? In our culture, the words or description of Christ seems strange, but in the…