Our Words Matter

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On Sunday mornings my normal quiet time routine changes. Instead of reading out of God’s word, I listen to a sermon before I begin the process of getting ready to go to my own church. Yesterday was no different.

The sermon I heard yesterday was the third in a sermon series by Craig Groeschel. In it, Craig was reminding us that even the smallest of words and actions we use can carry great meaning or influence in the lives of another. He then supported that concept by sharing how mentors, friends, and even strangers had helped to shape his journey into ministry. Most of the time, in seemingly small or insignificant ways, seeds were planted.

I’ve gotta tell you, I needed that reminder. We are influential. We may not always feel like we are… but feelings are often liars. The problem is that while our words or actions can influence in positive ways, they hold just as much power to wound, side-bar, and even destroy someone.

Our words matter.

If you have spent any time reading my blog, you know that this past month has been challenging to say the least. Not anticipating the number of behavioral needs and constant drain from putting out fires at work, I agreed to do some things like teaching a LIFE group class, speak at a women’s retreat, write a book with an upcoming deadline, serve on worship committee and praise team at church. My children are both involved in music at their high schools and Hannah is a part of Special Olympics bowling every week. Frankly, there is a lot going on, and not a lot of downtime.

I am exhausted.

Now imagine that you feel like you are giving all you have to give and at that point, words are spoken about you – questioning your judgment, questioning your skill, questioning your integrity, questioning your self-control, questioning your professionalism. Do the words impact you? Do you believe them? Do they sting? Do you allow the words to consume your thoughts and impact your weekend?

I cannot speak for your ability to compartmentalize. I cannot speak for how I would have processed the situation had I not been compromised coming out of the crazy work week. All I can say is that it was very evident to me this weekend about how important our words and actions are in the lives of another.

Like it or not, we are influencers. What we say and do can be a life-changing seed planted, the question is: What are we planting? Are we planting fruit or are we planting weeds?

The other big thought I have been chewing on this weekend – in particular, this morning – is how important it is for us to measure what others say about us against what God says about us. Often times they are not the same. Whose words, then, will we allow to define us? Whose opinions matter most to us?

While I know in my heart that I should be listening to and believing in what God says about me, unfortunately, I waste a lot of time and energy being blindsided by the negative thoughts/words of others. I simply do not need to do this. God’s opinion should be enough. God’s perspective should override that of anyone else.

How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast the sum of them!” -Psalm 139:17

Help me, LORD, to rely on what you say as my standard. Help me to receive the words of life that will bring me into a deeper love and understanding of who I am in you, and who you desire me to be. May your voice remain in my heart daily, as the One that matters. Help me to be wise in my own words and actions so that I am planting seeds that lead others to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.