Extravagant Giving

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This past week I have been participating in something that I have never joined in before. Each year, Yolanda Elementary staff do a “Secret Santa” week. It’s optional, and frankly, with the hectic pace that my life runs, I have always made the choice not to participate, for fear that it would place upon me even more stress.

I have known who my person was since before Thanksgiving, which gave me an opportunity to purchase gifts in advance to prepare. I did prepare- or so I thought…

Friends, I love giving gifts. I love getting gifts. I am always a bit hesitant to say it because it sounds so “worldly.” However, the truth is: God made me with gift-giving as my primary love language.

Now with that said: I am also a rule follower. I read the directions prior to my shopping multiple times so that I wouldn’t blow it on my first time participating. I followed the rules – but I guess I didn’t realize that Yolanda staff don’t always follow the rules. We were to give four days of small little gifts with a bit larger gift on Friday (the last day).

Every single day, the person who drew my name has gone above and beyond. Every. Single. Day. So what do I do? I smile. I appreciate the gifts – for sure. I also compare them to my own much lesser gifts that I have given to my person. The gifts I purchased were ones that I had put thought into. Yet, these past few days I have been double-guessing myself. Have I done enough? Will my person be feeling like they got hosed? Slighted? In an effort to try and offset this, I’ll admit, I found myself purchasing more and adding extras into my daily offering trying with all my might to increase what I can offer back.

I realized this morning that sometimes we may feel this way in our relationship with God. God gifts us in extravagant ways and while we have gifts prepared to give back to Him, sometimes we feel like they aren’t enough. So we do more. We obsess over being at every event possible. We increase our serving. We increase our financial giving. We try with all of our might to increase what we can offer back… But we cannot ever match the priceless gifts God gives. Whether we realize it or not, we are trying to earn the gift God gave. But it’s a gift! We are only to receive it!

God isn’t against us blessing others. He wants us to. God isn’t against us serving Him or giving tithes and offerings to Him. In fact, it’s part of what we are commanded to do. But God really wants us to feel the extent of His love and perfect plan for us. He wants us to enjoy the gift and not have that gift throw us into a frenzy of trying to give back. God doesn’t need what I can give back. Everything I have already belongs to Him – even my very life!

At some point today, I will learn who has been blessing me with gifts each day this week. I will be presented with the opportunity to thank them for their kindness and generosity. They deserve it!

As does God.

When was the last time we thanked God – I mean, really thanked God – for all He has done for us? How intentional am I at looking for and recognizing what His generous hand daily provides for me? Yes, He saved me with Jesus, my greatest gift ever – but friend, God also regularly gifts us with other things: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control. God provides for our daily needs: relationally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. God gifts us with His presence every day along with His presents. I hope we have eyes to see them and take the time to give thanks for them.

The gifts lead us to the giver. Instead of trying to earn the gift, or pay for the gift, may we instead learn to embrace – bask – in God’s amazing and unfailing generosity. “For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for Him!” (Isaiah 64:4)
