Why Does He Allow It?

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Why do bad things happen to good people? Not just bad things – tragic things? Why does it sometimes seem that God isn’t listening to our cries for help? Our requests for healing? Our need for Him to fight for us? To provide?

Does He not see? Can He not hear? Is His arm not powerful enough to save? To prevent?

Friend, is it possible to go through this life and not ask these questions? Regardless of the efforts made to grow in my faith and understanding of who God is – regardless of the fact that I cannot remember a time in my life of not knowing about God – I still find that these questions arise in those moments where life seems out of my control and wave after wave of difficulty and loss overwhelm me. Have you been there? Are you there now?

My heart is heavy. I am aware of an ever-growing list of people I deeply care about whose lives are taking a hit. These are not the simple-fix problems or lower-level problems (whatever you might call them). These problems are big. Life-altering. Sometimes they are life-ending at least from this world’s perspective. Cancer. Death. Mental breakdowns.

Why does God allow it? If God can create the world and raise the dead, why does He allow these things to happen? And even more so – why does He allow it to happen to good people – His people?

Friend, my knowledge is limited. There is no way that my mind could possibly understand the ways of a Holy God. It can’t. But I can say that I believe I am at the beginning stages of understanding why He allows what He does.

We need to remember that this is earth, not heaven. This is not our best world. This is not us living at our best. Our best will not happen on this side of death. It cannot. Our best is where we live in the presence of God in a place where there is no sin. This world is broken. But this world is not really our home. Our purpose here is not to create a perfect life. Our purpose here is not to create a sort of heaven on earth. Our purpose here is to grow more like Christ.

Part of growing like Christ is learning to emulate his character. Part of growing like Christ is also understanding that this world will continue to be broken but this is not where we will spend eternity. Even Jesus experienced loss and pain. Jesus lost those he loved and cared about. While he saved multitudes during his 3-year ministry on earth, there were no doubt countless others that frankly were not saved while he walked on this earth. Did he lack the power prior to his first miracle? Was he not yet God, in the form of man? His character and power didn’t change. His identity and purpose didn’t change. Jesus simply never acted apart from the Father’s will and direction.

Perhaps the problem really lies in how we view things. In fact, I am confident that this is where the problem lies. We view adversity and crisis as a punishment or a lack of care, when the reality is, many times adversity and crisis draw us closer to our LORD. They help shape our character. They deepen our understanding, dependency, and love for our Father. Friend, perhaps instead of looking at these times negatively and through a lens of feeling as though we have been robbed of something, we need to make every effort to focus on the purpose behind it. What is God trying to bring forth in my life? What is He preparing me to do? To become?

Our God does not waste a hurt. Sometimes our God heals and protects and sometimes it feels like He does not. But God’s character never changes. God’s love for His children never changes. God’s plan never changes. God’s goodness and purpose for us, never changes.

Biblically speaking, time and time again God takes His children – even those whom the scripture talks of as men and women who are godly and living life in obedience to the LORD, and He allows them to struggle. Job: loses everything – yet still praises the LORD and learns to know Him more intimately on the other side. David: spends years running for his life, falsely accused, and yet still praises the LORD and learns to know Him more intimately on the other side.

Friend, we must continue to trust that this God of ours is the same yesterday, today and forever. His word holds true. His promises remain. His love for us is as strong as ever. There is a purpose for this pain. Don’t lose hope. Don’t give up. Rise up. Praise Him in the midst of it all. Cry out to Him and confidently make your requests known to Him. He hears. He sees. He is not turning a deaf ear or a blind eye. Request and then trust that God is at work – even if we cannot see what He is doing.

Personally, I find such comfort in the Psalms. It is my go-to book when life seems particularly chaotic and hard. It’s real. It’s heartfelt. It’s relate-able. It is like a balm for a wounded soul.

This morning, I will close with words that spoke to my hurting heart. “God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except our LORD? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; He strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.” (Psalm 18:30-36)

There is a battle for our souls, for our minds, for our peace. But God has not only given us what we need to fight the battle – He strengthens us for it. He will continue to equip us with all we need to end our time here on earth victoriously. It is then that we will finally be at home with Him. It is then we will finally be free from all the trials, hardships, and pain. Take heart, friend. The future is secure. This is just a step in our shaping process.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Terri

    Thank you for reminding us that this is not heaven on earth. God will always be there even when it’s hard.

    Thank you for taking the time to write these posts. They are impactful and valuable.

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