Facing Fear?

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I really don’t believe that things “just happen.” I don’t believe that the world just happened to come into existence. I don’t believe that historical events just happened to come to be. And in the same way, I don’t believe that I just happened to be born. I think that everything that ever was, that now is, or ever will be has come into existence as a part of a bigger plan. Make no mistake, there has been a plan. We don’t always see it. We definitely don’t always understand the plan, but there is a plan nonetheless.

My guess is most people of faith would agree that they understand God has a plan. After all, it makes sense. How else could so many scientific necessities exist that keep our world operating to support life? It is planned to the nth. Our world’s axis must be exactly 23.5 degrees or our seasons would not exist, nor would we be able to deal with the effects of the sun. Despite scientific presentations that all life has evolved from the same small basic life form doesn’t fit with the complex life forms and species that we have already discovered and are still discovering to this day.

Honestly, I am not trying to get into a scientific debate. I’m not. I really do feel as if the LORD was revealing to me this morning that the fear that is gripping our nation – especially the believers in our nation – does not need to exist. How can I say that? Well, what do you fear? My guess is that your fear – like the fear I experience – is all based on the unknowns, right? The “what-if’s” of life. It stems from not feeling prepared. It is rooted in the idea of there not being a plan.

God has a plan, remember? He always has. He currently does. He always will. He has a plan. So my problem with fear isn’t actually that there is no plan, or that something unknown is going to happen. My problem with fear is that I am forgetting that there is a God who is in control – even when things seem out of control. And there are no unknowns with God. There is nothing that will take Him by surprise. Not one thing.

Years ago, when I was going through some very rough times, my Gram gave me a well-worn copy of a devotion book she had been using for years. In it, she had underlined and dated passages that held specific meaning and encouragement for her. If you know me well, you would know that my Gram was definitely one of the most influential people in my life. Her intimacy with God always amazed me. I felt honored to have received such a gift from her.

For several years I would pick up that devotional and make it a part of my own quiet time. In an effort to glean the most from my reading and time with God, however, I have alternated Bible translations, devotion books, and even how I journal my time in God’s Word. So while I have kept Gram’s book and it is very special to me, it has been sitting with a few of my materials for several years untouched.

This week, I was prompted to pick up the book. I did. Friend, I am so glad I did! The book is “God Calling” by A.J. Russell. This book, while credited to the author is actually not his creation. He simply edited the book. The book was actually written by two women who wished to remain anonymous, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Much in the same way that the book “Jesus Calling” is written, it is God’s Spirit encouraging, challenging, and intimately conversing with His people today.

I say all of that to share with you today’s devotion.

I am with you to guide you and help you. Unseen forces are controlling your destiny. Your petty fears are groundless.”

What of a man walking through a glorious glade who fretted because ahead there lay a river and he might not be able to cross it, when all the time, that river was spanned by a bridge? And what if that man had a friend who knew the way – had planned it – and assured him that at no part of the journey would any unforeseen contingency arise, and that all was well?

So leave your foolish fears, and follow Me, your Guide, and determinedly refuse to consider the problems of tomorrow. My message to you is, trust, and wait.

Friend, the rivers of uncertainty are before us. But there is a bridge! We have a friend who not only knows the way, but has planned the way for us! Our fears for tomorrow are not necessary.

God goes before us. God follows us. God places His hand of blessing upon our heads. We cannot escape His Spirit. We can never leave His presence. He will guide us with His hand. His strength will support us. His thoughts about us are precious, and cannot even be numbered! He is with us. (excerpts from Psalm 139)

We need not fear.
