This morning, as I began my quiet time, I entered in with a heart that seemed restless. I’m not going to lie, restless in part because of a crazy dream I had last night that was quite vivid, but that is not entirely the “why” behind it. I’m restless because I find myself in deep grief. I am restless also because I like a plan. Restless, in part, because I am stunned by the blindness and passive attitude of people who would label themselves Christians – but frankly – don’t even know who they are following or what the Word of God – in it’s entirety says.
This is scary. I think in part, this stems from laziness, or out of whack prioritization of time. However, that’s not the only reason. Some don’t really believe all the Word of God. They pick and choose. They like the gospels because they are easier to read and understand – yet they forget that Jesus himself, didn’t discard the Old Testament – nor the books of the prophets. We perhaps forget, or pass over due to our struggle to comprehend, that Jesus was God.
If I am being transparent with you, even as I write that last statement, I paused. Not because I don’t believe it. I absolutely do. God said it. Jesus said it. The Holy Spirit confirmed it. Yet still I pause. Why? I think that for some folks, this information doesn’t really sink in.
Jesus is easy to love. He is the very demonstration of so much that we adore. We are drawn to him, aren’t we? He represents for us a dear friend. Kindness, compassion, and acceptance seem to be core character traits of this Savior.
I am not saying we should not fall in love with Jesus. I am not saying we are fools to see Jesus as our friend.
How do you feel about the Father? What are your thoughts about the LORD God, Himself? Is this a match for you? Do you see God the same? Do you see Him as a disciplinarian? Does the Father seem harsh to you? Too strict? When you think of the Father, and understand that He showed favor to His chosen ones, when He called for holiness and obedience from His followers and then poured both positive and negative consequences on them based on their decision to obey, do you perceive this as less loving? Less attractive? Less kind? Or even less compassionate?
Friend, we cannot really know and love Jesus unless we know and love the Father. We aren’t able to choose the gospels alone as our reference and guide and discard the other parts of the Word. Jesus didn’t. After all, since the gospels were written about him, after both his death and resurrection, Jesus and his followers were students of the Old Testament.
In fact, in John 14:9, Jesus said “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” If Jesus was in fact telling us the truth, and we know that he was, as there was no sin found in him, it would be impossible for us to separate the Son from the Father, wouldn’t it?
Jesus was God with us. To love Jesus as healer, miracle worker, amazing teacher, and Savior of the world seem easy. But God did not change. Numbers 23:19 “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind.” Malachi 3:6 “For I the LORD do not change…” James 1:17 “… the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” These passages are just a few, but you get the point. God is unchanging. Jesus is God with flesh on, a mirror image of the Father.
Can we then compartmentalize or separate the two to “fit” us?
Recently I listened to a pod cast that seemed to completely address and name what it is that is so deeply grieving me right now. “Christians” aren’t following God. Christians are following their feelings. Christians are following leaders – even pastors – who aren’t preaching and teaching the Bible – in it’s entirety as the inherent Word of God. Christians aren’t often even Biblically literate. Christians are following social and cultural norms. Christians are following political parties and narratives. Christians are following partial truths where scriptures have been twisted and altered to mean something completely different than the context for which it was given. Christians are following self-truth, and experiential-truth.
Christians are following just about everything but the Word of God and the gospel message that comes through it. We are all sinners, worthy of death, separated from a holy God. God, in His compassionate goodness and love, gifted us with a sacrifice of a perfect and blameless Son, who took our sin upon himself and died upon the cross on our behalf, so that our sins would be transferred to him and in exchange, we would be clothed in his righteousness and made clean. This exchange, and only this exchange, specifically from this God, and only from this God, are what saves us. This gift is not forced. It is offered. If we accept it, we are God’s redeemed, and beloved. If we do not accept, we will be cast away, and rejected by God. Again, the choice is ours.
This is not unloving. This is not harsh. This is not negotiable. It is the Word of God. Not the word of man. Nor is it the word of a man-made god. It is absolute.
Where do you find yourself?
“The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.” – 2 Samuel 22:2-4
O LORD, teach me your ways. Open my eyes to the truth of who you are. Each and every time that I am tempted by man, by culture, or by self, lead me back to You. Remind me that Your ways are higher and better, even when I don’t understand them. Lead me into obedience to You. Do not allow me to fall into traps of temptation, but use the times of trials to sharpen my heart, faith, and obedience to You. LORD, give me wisdom and a discerning spirit. Make my ears deaf to lies and deceit that could lead me astray. Create and build within me a passion for Your word and decrees. I desire a relationship with You. I want to bring honor to Your holy name. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.