When You’re Tempted

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How do I handle the temptations around me? If Satan is as powerful as people give him credit for being, how could I ever stand up to his attack? There…

How Are You Living?

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This morning marks the first day in the new year for me that I have actually forced myself to sit down and write. In fact, for those of you who…

Careless Filters

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In yesterday's sermon message, my husband (who is also my pastor), was talking about our need for hope and related it to the fact that hope comes from God when…

In times of change

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Over the past few days, I have been reading out of the book of Isaiah. Isaiah was a prophet of the LORD who was tasked with proclaiming to the people…

Living Word

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How quick the culture is to dismiss the Word of God. It is made out to be antiquated. Hateful. Biased. Foolish nonsense. But here's the thing... when you read it…