Crisis Of Belief

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“You’d prefer a miracle for your crisis? You’d rather see the bread multiplied or the stormy sea turned glassy calm in a finger snap? God may do this.

Then, again, He may tell you, “I’m with you. I can use this for good. Now let’s make a plan.” Trust Him to help you.

Trust God to do what you can’t. Obey God, and do what you can.
Don’t let the crisis paralyze you. Don’t let the sadness overwhelm you. Don’t let the fear intimidate you. To do nothing is the wrong thing. To do something is the right thing. And to believe is the highest thing. – Max Lucado (You’ll Get Through This)

There is no doubt that at times when life’s crisis comes, we want and even beg for God to help. When He does not act in the time or way in which we believe He should, we fall for the lie that He is against us, is not powerful enough, does not care for us, or doesn’t really exist.

There is another answer. God is so often behind the scenes doing things and making provision for what we cannot see or in the moment comprehend.
Joseph, the son of Jacob, who lost his mother while still a boy, was sold into slavery by his brothers, was led to a foreign land where he was accused of a crime he didn’t commit and was thrown into prison where he remained for years. His prayers went out to God. In fact, he prayed for years before God answered in a way that Joseph could see it. But God was working all along. He took what was meant for evil and harm – and He used it to save a nation.
How did Joseph get through his baggage? How did he survive? He had one thing going for him. Faith in God. Faith and hope that God would see him, and hear his cries for help. And God did. Not in Joseph’s timing. Not in the way Joseph thought God might work… God’s way was bigger, better, and more miraculous.

Doubt God will do this for you? Is already doing this for you? His love for you is so great that He stretched His arms wide while nails attached him to the cross. Your sins, not in part, but all of them, were placed upon Him. That is love we don’t deserve, but love that was freely given.

Ask Him. Take it to Him. All the hurt. All the pain. All the struggle. All the doubt. Ask Him to fill you. Ask Him to restore you. Ask Him to touch you. That is all it takes.
