Nothing Wasted

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“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immoveable. Always work enthusiastically for the LORD, for you know that nothing you do for the LORD is ever wasted.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58

So much of what I do feels like time or energy wasted. Can you relate? The day in and day out monotony of life happens and I can’t help but wonder at times if anyone sees, anyone knows, anyone appreciates the amount of effort or work that I am actually doing.

It happens in every part of my day to day life. At home: I do laundry, unload and load the dishwasher, make meals, clean, grocery shop, help with homework, buy whatever anyone needs, and manage children. Does anyone see? Yes. Do they notice? No. Not usually. At work: I respond to behavior, coach kids in crisis, teach social skills, collaborate and problem solve with teachers, fill in the gaps for our principal, and deal with difficult families. Does any of it make a difference? Maybe. Are my efforts bringing about change? I’m not sure.

I could go on. I won’t. I don’t need to. I bet you get it.

When I invest much and feel like I am spinning my wheels or my efforts are unnoticed or even unappreciated, the temptation to slow down or stop working with the same level of investment becomes stronger. The question of “Why should I try?” creeps in. “It’s not like anyone will notice. Clearly what I do doesn’t matter that much anyway.”


There is One who knows and sees all things. There is One who is absolutely aware of each and every action I do. This One does not waste my efforts. In fact, He takes whatever limited actions/efforts I put forth and He multiplies them! I may not see it. I may not realize what is happening under the surface or behind the scenes – but God reminds us in His word that nothing we do for Him is ever wasted. That means: every kindness, every word of encouragement, every financial gift, every prayer, literally EVERY THING we do for Him or One of His children has meaning. Purpose. It is not a waste.

Those around us may be missing our investments, God is not. And it is God’s opinion and value of me that matters the most.

So be encouraged! Be strong and immoveable. Continue on enthusiastically with the understanding that whatever you do will not be useless.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lynn

    Thanks. I needed that, too.


    As a single mom I definitely need to hear that.
    Michelle, I’m wondering if you and I could connect regarding a question I have about a child (my child) and the school system. I’m a member of Northwood and have seen you but haven’t had a chance to formally introduce myself.

    1. Michelle

      Good question! 🙂 What service do you attend? Potentially we could try an meet up following a service. Or, if you are on Facebook Messenger, you could message me & you could ask your question that way? I know that it is sometimes challenging for me to connect with folks at church.

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