God’s Desire For Me

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I avoid the news. We have stopped getting the paper. I spend less and less time on Facebook. Why? I am tired. Tired of the cruelty. Tired of the negativity. Tired of the focus on what is evil and the portrayal of gloom and doom.

I am not naive enough to believe evil doesn’t exist. It has existed since the beginning days of man. Yet like a train track where two rails run parallel, so does good and evil exist all around us. The question is, which track are we going to focus on? Which track with get the investment of my thought, emotions, and actions? My resources? Will I be proactive towards that which is good? Or will I be reactive towards that which is evil?

It is so easy to become discouraged by all that is going on, however, rarely has discouragement empowered me or motivated me to change. At least for me, discouragement seems to cause me to freeze up, spiral deeper, or throw in the towel altogether. I don’t believe I am alone in this. I believe that is why God desires for us to be empowered by faith – discarding our discouragement for that which is better.

The evils of this world – and even within our country – are not new. Look at this passage from the Old Testament: “The foundations of law and order have collapsed, what can the righteous do? BUT THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE; THE LORD STILL RULES FROM HEAVEN.” (Psalm 11:3) The presence of evil has not changed, but more importantly, neither has the presence and power of the LORD God! He is still in His holy Temple. He is still ruling over all things. He always will be.

Rather than focus on the evil and the negative, may I focus on the Holy One who is changing lives for the good. May I focus not on the darkness that abounds, but rather on the One who is the Giver of Light. Instead of sitting in the stew of discouragement, may I climb onto the lap of my Heavenly Father who showers me with words of hope and encourages me.

The LORD is still in His rightful spot – His Holy Temple. The LORD is still ruling from Heaven. His hand has not shortened in length or His power diminished. He is still mighty. He is still faithful. He is still aware of all that is going on. Make Him your focus. Give Him your heart. Be transformed despite your circumstances. This is God’s desire.
