A Glimmer Of Hope

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It will never cease to amaze me how crazy the weather can be here in Oregon. One week we are sitting in piles of snow, which moves into some days of gray skies and rain, only to be followed by sunshine and warmth in the high 70’s. It seems that we get to experience it all here.

I am not a fan of all of it. I love the rain truly for two reasons: the green beauty around me, and the smell. Outside of those two factors – I cannot stand the rain. I do not care for the gray sky. I do not appreciate having to go outside in rain. Rainy days depress me. As I said, I am not a fan.

However, when you put me in a day like yesterday, where the sun is shining, even with a brisk morning, I feel as excited as the spring bulbs which are beginning to bloom. Spring is practically here. Summer and the hope of all it brings is on the way.

Whether you can relate or not due to weather, sometimes we need our hope renewed. Sometimes we are holding on to our faith and trust in God by what feels like a thread. Life hits us in wave after wave, attack after attack, and we feel much like I feel on those dark, gray, rainy days. Wishing and desiring – hoping for something better. For God to act.

As is so often the case, it is in these times where I am reminded that while I may feel like my faith is hanging on by the smallest of threads, God has His full grip on me. He will not let go. His hand will not slip. His strength will not fail. He has ahold of me, and sends me glimmers of hope to remind me my faith is not misplaced. He can still be trusted. He is still in control. Still present. He is going before me.

My timing and plan may not be aligning with my reality… but God’s is.

A day of sunshine and warmth reminded me that there is light ahead, because my God has gone before me. The storms and battles formed against me will cease. They will end. And what will be left will be a stronger faith and a new chapter in my story of God’s faithfulness and provision.


“Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.” (Psalm 90:14)