Whose Praise Matters Most?

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The Gospel of John documents a series of miracles that the people of the day had either heard about or witnessed with their own eyes, which was culminated in the resurrection of Lazarus. Men and women were flocking to catch a glimpse of Jesus. Could He be the Messiah?

As the people praise, and the palm branches proclaim the Messiah’s arrival, the religious leaders are overcome with fear and anger. Hatred and jealousy consume them. They want this man dead. Period.

Yet smashed in the accounts of the events leading to the crucifixion are two small verses that are in fact quite convicting. (Or at the very least, should be a cause for some self-reflection.) “Many people did believe in Him, however, including some of the Jewish leaders. But they wouldn’t admit it for fear that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.” (John 12:42-43)

Many people believed – including some Jewish leaders. Interesting that we don’t often think of people in top leadership positions as needing to live in fear, do we? It appears that they have earned their right to an opinion, and will most likely be free to share it. After all, many in our culture do, right? People we consider leaders like Hollywood’s elite, or political leaders, or sports athletes, even business tycoons – they seem to have no trouble spouting off their beliefs. They do not seem to be afraid to do so.

But you see, there is so much more at stake here.

These leaders – in particular the Pharisees – are supposedly the most informed men about the word of God. Their entire lives have been devoted to memorizing the law. They have shown themselves to have the best minds to do so, from an early age. They are the “cream of the crop,” so to speak. So for any other person of Jewish influence, it would be crazy to disagree with them.

And so, despite their belief, and their convictions that the Pharisees were actually wrong in regard to Jesus, their silence – their fear – won out. Why? God’s praise comes with a cost, and often times that cost is the praise of man. They rarely come in tandem. When I live for God’s praise and it becomes what is most important to me, I often offend man.

It wasn’t popular to stand by the word of God in a world that made rules that countered His. It still isn’t.

So whose praise matters most? Is it the praise of God saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servant…” or is it the praise of man?

Friends, it is my hope that I never compromise on what God says so that I can fit in with the crowds of people who do not choose Him. It is my hope that God’s word becomes such a part of my heart and mind that I do not mistake what the world says to be what He says. God’s word – His law – His direction for us is unchanging. We cannot be in obedience to Him when we try to adjust His word to fit the message of the world – just so we can win the approval and praise of man. They don’t mesh. They can’t. God’s thoughts come from holiness and understanding of all things. Man’s thoughts come from a sin nature and a selfish and limited perspective.

So whose praise matters most? God’s? Or man’s?
