Giving God The Credit

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How many times have we been faced with some sort of difficult challenge, sought God’s help, received it, and then forget to recognize or give honor to God for His hand in it? This is probably occurs more frequently than we realize. Yet, if God is LORD over all things, and is capable of doing all things, even the things we cannot see are certain to be touched and impacted by His hand, His plan, and His purpose. This doesn’t mean that the chain of events or circumstances make sense to us, but rather, they make sense in the woven tapestry of mankind from a perspective that is typically reserved for God alone.

But what happens when we do honor God? When we do give God the credit? What changes in our lives when we start viewing everything – not as good, necessarily, but rather as serving a purpose? Our perspective is changed from seeing the challenges and the bad things we face or live through and flipping them into challenges that will inevitably have value and purpose.

Our mindset shifts. “God, I cannot see what you are doing here, or why you are allowing this, but I do know that You work all things together for my good. So, LORD, I am believing that You are planning something here that will bring you glory and honor, and You will not waste this hurt.”

God wants us to have a shifted mindset. He wants us to continue to trust and believe in His goodness as well as His continued power. He wants us to continue to ask for help, seeking provision – from Him. And then, when He provides – and He will provide – He wants us to give glory to Him. To point back to Him as the author or source of the blessings of provision.

When we do this, when we point people to the Provider, God’s blessings are unleashed in even more powerful ways. In the book of Genesis, there is a great example of this happening.

Joseph was a young man who found himself in prison. Joseph was not there for crimes that he committed, but rather because he had been falsely accused. This was after having been sold into slavery by his brothers, and after having been purchased by the commander of Pharaoh’s armies, where Joseph had worked hard to maintain his integrity while serving his master to the best of his ability. Joseph spent years in prison. While most of us could have become bitter and cursed God, Joseph did not. The scriptures say, “But the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love.” (Genesis 39:21a) And, “The LORD was with him and caused everything he did to succeed.” (Genesis 39: 23b)

Years pass. Still imprisoned. But Joseph continues to seek God and trust and honor Him.

One day, Joseph is pulled out of the prison and is presented before the Pharaoh himself. “Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream last night and no one here can tell me what it means. But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it.”

“It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.” (Genesis 41:15-16)

Joseph could have tried to take credit for the gift of interpreting dreams. He had done it before and with accuracy! However, Joseph knew who deserved the credit for the gift, and it was not him, but God. And so, before one of the greatest rulers of the world at that time, Joseph proclaims boldly about the One who reveals dreams. Make no mistake, Pharaoh has his own gods. Pharaoh is in fact considered a god by his people. And yet, Joseph still boldly proclaims that God, his God, deserves the credit.

Joseph interprets the dream. “Joseph’s suggestions were well received by Pharaoh and his officials. So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the Spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are.” (Genesis 41:37-39) And Pharaoh places Joseph into the position of being leader of all Egypt under him alone. The second in command.

Provision. Protection. Redemption.

God took the hurts and cruddy situations of Joseph’s life and used them to bring about something beautiful. Great blessings. None of the baggage was wasted. It had purpose. Joseph may not have seen it while in it’s midst, but God’s finger prints were all over his life. So were God’s blessings.

Why did God bless Joseph in such great ways? Joseph kept his eyes on his God when things got bad. Joseph kept his hope and trust in the One he knew could save him. Joseph always gave credit back to God, instead of taking the credit himself.

And God blessed him for it.

Never underestimate the blessings that come from giving credit back to the One who deserves to be acknowledged for them. God deserves nothing less than our acknowledgment and praise!
