But God Intended It For Good

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How many times have I sat in the midst of life’s struggles and wondered why this was happening to me? I have loved God all my life. In fact, I cannot remember a time of not knowing Him. Yet bad things happen, some which are completely out of my control to prevent, and I wonder – where is God? Why is He allowing this to happen? When will He hear my cry and step in?

I think my problem is a limited mindset. Sure, no one likes to struggle. No one enjoys the hardships of life. But what if I was able to disconnect myself and my focus from the problems and shifted my focus to the purpose? Would my perspective change?

While my life has had its challenges – and continues to have them, for that matter – I cannot compare my challenges to that of Joseph. I have never been so despised by my siblings that they wanted to murder me. I have never been sold into slavery. I have never been drug to a foreign land and been forced to assimilate. I have never been thrown into prison for a crime I didn’t commit.

It all happened to Joseph. And yet, with each challenge Joseph does not seem to shift his eyes from God. His hope remains placed in the only One capable of saving him. And God does save him. Not only does He do that, He rises him up into a place of honor and uses Joseph in a mighty way.

As Joseph’s earthly father, Jacob (Israel) is dying, he pulls his sons close to him to give them a final blessing. I love what Jacob says about his son in his final words, “Archers attacked him savagely; they shot at him and harassed him. But his bow remained taut, and his arms were strengthened by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, by the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel.” (Genesis 49:23-24)

Jacob is acknowledging that Joseph has gone through so many attacks and hurts, and yet, it was by going through those experiences that Joseph was strengthened, and prepared by the LORD God. God doesn’t waste a hurt. Neither does God abandon us while we are in the midst of it.

Joseph was able to recognize this. Even with the pain of betrayal, and every other horror he had endured, Joseph was able to see God’s hand of blessing all over the hurt. This is why, upon the death of his father, Joseph is able to extend grace and forgiveness to his brothers. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.” (Genesis 50:20-21a)

Our pain has a purpose.

Our hurts will not be wasted.

Others may intend to harm us, but God will use whatever comes for our good. Keep your eyes not on the problem. Look for the purpose.
