When The LORD Fights For You

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I am a bit of a fighter by nature. It’s not that I go looking for fights. I do not desire to fight just for the sake of fighting. Fighting doesn’t bring me joy, it is just something that I typically am not afraid of engaging in. It’s just that I have a deep seeded root within my personality that does not sit back and be silent very well. This is especially true when it comes to areas of injustice or my faith.

Although I do not fear conflict, I am absolutely certain that when I fight, I fight differently than the LORD my God does. Without His guidance, and my asking for His help even in the midst of it, I would be a hot mess. Why? God’s way of fighting is very different from man’s way of fighting. It always has been.

I was reminded of that fact this morning as I was reading about an account that happened with the nation of Israel under the leadership of Joshua. The people had entered into the promised land. God had already parted the River Jordan for them to cross. God had already crumbled the walls of the mighty city of Jericho by having His people march and shout. God had been leading His people by giving them explicit instructions regarding what to do in each circumstance. As long as the people followed the instructions, victory was assured.

Over and over again, God is giving Joshua and the people of Israel the same sort of pep-talk. “Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged.” Before the battle. In between battles. After battles in preparation for the battles to come. “Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged.”

What did they need to be reminded of? They were seeing the hand of God! With each seemingly insurmountable wall, each warrior nation, each group of allied nations they had to face, God wanted to remind them that He was the One fighting for them. He was the One leading them. He was the One who would bring them victory. They would never be able to conquer on their own strength. Their own plans would never be good enough.

So God fought for them.

Joshua chapter 14 shares an account of just one of the battles that Israel fought in gaining the Promised Land. “As the Amorites retreated down the road from Beth-horon, the LORD destroyed them with a terrible hailstorm from heaven that continued until they reached Azekah. The hail killed more of the enemy than the Israelites killed with the sword. On the day the LORD gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the LORD in front of all the people of Israel. He said, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies. Is this event not recorded in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the middle of the sky, and it did not set as on a normal day. There has never been a day like this one before or since, when the LORD answered such a prayer. Surely the LORD fought for Israel that day!” (Joshua 10:11-14)

Can you picture it? God’s hand? Hail from heaven wiping out the enemy. Then as if that weren’t enough to reveal to all the enemies around that the God of Israel was not some mere idol, He changes the pattern of the sun and the moon!

What battle lies before you that seems too huge? What enemy are you feeling overwhelmed going up against?

Seek God. Revel in His words spoken through Joshua. “Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged.” “Be strong and courageous, for the LORD is going to do this to all of your enemies.” (Joshua 10:25)

Let the LORD fight for you.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Terri Fackrell

    This message came at the perfect time. I need the lord to help me fight for my marriage . Thank you Lord for using Michelle and her writings to teach and encourage us.

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