When God’s Call Overwhelms

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Time and time again God had lead and provided for His people, Israel. Time and time again, God had protected them, created supernatural miracles, fed them, clothed them, fought for them, and still the people wanted a different leader. They wanted someone with skin on. They wanted to be like the nations around them that God had helped them defeat. They wanted – dare I say – demanded a king.

How my heart breaks for the way that we treat God. We cry out to Him in our time of need. We rely on Him to save us. Yet we want more. We want someone we can see. So we exchange an amazing relationship with the Creator of the Universe for someone that could never compare – that falls short.

This pattern remains. The rejection of God. It is not just an Old Testament pattern. And yet, it is an Old Testament story that I am focusing on today.

Israel is demanding a king. They are no longer content to have God alone lead them, and so they approach Samuel, the respected prophet of the LORD. God orchestrates a meeting between Samuel and the man whom God has chosen to be Israel’s first king. In that meeting, Samuel shares with Saul God’s plan to make him king and tells of several signs that will happen following his departure from Samuel’s home. “As Saul turned and started to leave, God gave him a new heart, and all Samuel’s signs were fulfilled that day.” (1 Samuel 10:9)

The day arrives when Israel will be presented with its king. Lots are cast. The tribe of Benjamin is selected. Eventually the lots result in specifically identifying one man – and Saul is presented as Israel’s king.

But where is this new ruler? Where is the man who will lead God’s chosen people? Gone. “So they asked the LORD, “Where is he?” And the LORD replied, “He is hiding among the baggage.” (1 Samuel 10:22)

Can you imagine the way the people of Israel must be feeling right then? Excitement over their desire for a leader being chosen mixed with confusion over the reason their leader is hiding.

Can you imagine how Saul must be feeling at that same moment? Overwhelming fear. Self-doubt.

Friend, Saul forgot that God had chosen him. Saul had already forgot that the Spirit of the LORD had already come powerfully upon him – changing him. Saul forgot that God was with him. Saul’s focus was not on who God declared him to be, but who Saul believed himself to be. Because Saul forgot, he hid.

God is probably not calling you or I to be the next ruler, but God is calling us to be great leaders of His people – leaders who follow God, and seek Him with our whole hearts. God is going to give His children tasks that are greater than that which we can do by ourselves. God is going to call us to do a great work, but God’s plans are not to overwhelm us.

How can I be overwhelmed when I remember whose I am? How can I be overwhelmed when I remember who fights for me? Provides all I need? How can I be overwhelmed when I remember that my God is not a distant and uncaring God, but rather a close and loving Heavenly Father?

Friend, whatever it is that God is calling us to do, we will be equipped to do through the power of our LORD. We need only to remain close to Him. We have no reason to hide among the baggage…
