A Heart Turned Away From The LORD

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Why would someone who has a reputation for being the wisest man to live on earth go from having a heart for the LORD – even building His Temple – to a heart that was turned away from the LORD? It seems that real wisdom – real blessing – comes from having a heart that stays focused upon God.

God had made it clear to Solomon that their relationship would be one of great blessing. All Solomon needed to do was remain in right relationship with Him. God wanted Solomon’s heart. He wanted Solomon to worship Him – as the One True God – and lead Israel by example to avoid the false gods of the communities around them.

God even shared with Solomon – perhaps you might even say “warned Solomon” – of how this might happen for him. God knew that Solomon had a thing for women. Lots of women. Women from other cultures who worshiped other gods. And so God speaks out: “The LORD had clearly instructed the people of Israel, “You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.” Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the LORD.” (1 Kings 11:2-3)

When God speaks words of warning, they are not false words. They are not made up and empty. God is extending wisdom to Solomon so that they might stay close and so that Solomon and his children for generations will live in a way that honors God and opens up the doors of blessing from God. God blesses those who live lives of obedience to Him. God is near to those who draw near to Him.

Solomon had been given much by God. He had asked for wisdom, and God had given him wisdom. God loved his request so much that he gave him wealth and fame, too. And it was then that Solomon began to fall from God.

Solomon had started his reign with a heart that put God first. Solomon ended his reign with a heart that put Solomon and his love for women first.

God commands and deserves to be first. He always has, and He always will.

The LORD was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. He had warned Solomon specifically about worshipping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the LORD’s command.” (1 Kings 11:9-10)

What happens when we turn from God? What happens when we ignore His warnings? God removes His hand of blessing. God uses circumstances and other people to try and wake us up to the truth. God told Solomon what He was doing. He told him that the kingdom would be removed from his line and the reason for it. Solomon knew what God was planning to do. Yet Solomon still doesn’t repent and return to God. He continues on the path away from Him.

It’s as if Solomon now believes himself to be a god. He decides to take matters into his own hands and even tries to kill the one whom God had decided would take over the kingdom of Israel. Solomon, though powerful, is no match for God. God’s ways will not be thwarted. God’s hand will not be overpowered. God’s word will not be broken.

Friend, God desires our hearts. He always has. He always will. He promises to be our everything – and wants to be – if we let Him.

LORD, help us to have hearts that remain steadfast. Help us to put You first, and keep You first in our lives. Help us not to be led astray by false gods, or others who do not know You. Keep us focused on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
