Satisfy Us

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What are our expectations of God? What are the needs that we are looking for Him to meet? What desires do we find ourselves perseverating on that we continue to ask God to provide?

No doubt they vary. No doubt depending on our circumstances these expectations, needs, and desires change or evolve throughout the course of our lives.

It dawned on me that for many of us our expectations of God are most likely influenced by how much power and strength we believe God has. Right? If I believe my God is limited or uninterested in me, I am less likely to expect Him to produce or provide what I would expect Him to if I knew God to be an all-powerful, miraculous, and intimate God. If I saw God that way, I would hold nothing back from Him, because I understand that God is more than capable of meeting every need!

Perhaps it is difficult for us to fully trust God to exceed our expectations, meet our needs, and fulfill our desires because we know people cannot.

I cannot speak for you, but it is my hope that God has placed some amazing people in your life. People who want the best for you. People who encourage you. People who will pray for you. People who will try and bless you with their love and affection. We all need people like that in our lives. But the people in our lives – even our most special people – cannot meet all our needs.

But God can. He wants to satisfy us. He can satisfy us. Everything and everyone else simply falls short. But not God.

“Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.” (Psalm 90:14)

What kind of relationship do you have with the LORD? Does He feel distant? Do you find yourself doubting God’s ability to satisfy us? To meet each need? Each desire? Friend, my guess is that we all find ourselves at some time or another questioning God’s ability or care because we don’t understand God’s ways or methods of meeting our needs. We don’t believe that God truly knows what is best for us, or that God’s plans are truly better than the plans we create. But God does know! God does see! God’s plans are always better! His provision never falls short.

When I look to God to meet my needs, He does. When my desires align with God’s best for me, He also gives me what my heart desires. Why? Because I am seeking Him to provide. I come to Him with the expectation that He can and will – in His lovingkindness – satisfy me.

LORD, would you help me to trust you, even when – especially when- I don’t understand what you are doing. Help me to rely on your love. To find great comfort in your mighty arms. LORD, I want to live in your plan for me. Shape my heart and mind so that your dreams for me become my dreams. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
