God’s Promises Remain Even If We Must Wait

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David knew that God had called him. In fact, not only was he aware of his call, but God had already had his priest Samuel anoint David and explicitly tell David that God was planning to make him the next king of Israel. This shepherd boy/warrior/future ruler of God’s people had the promise before him, but years of waiting in between the anointing and the fruition of the promise.

While he waits, David continues doing life with his God. Lest we think that life for David was easy during this season of his life, let’s not forget that King Saul (the current king) was also aware of this anointing and promise on David. Saul was none too happy about it. In fact, this meant that Saul’s own line would die out. God’s hand of blessing had been removed from him. One of his sons would never rule after him. Saul, who had at one time loved David, now wanted him dead.

David, a man who spent so many years of his life on the run from the King, pens some of the most beautiful and transparent heart-felt and relateable words in the Bible. In the midst of tragedy and pain, David continues to remain close to his God. In the midst of rejection and when circumstances could continually cause him to question and doubt not only God’s love for him but God’s promise for his future, David remains close to God. There is intimacy found in his words. Over and over throughout the psalms he writes, this man pours out honest thoughts and feelings.

Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All-day long I put my hope in you. Remember, O LORD, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past.” (Psalm 25:4-6)

Friend, I love the honest simplicity of David’s heart. I love the fact that he can express his heart, his need, his dependence on his Father. What I love even more is that it is clear that the Father wants this same type of intimate relationship with each of us. He wants us to be real before him. He doesn’t want fancy and false words. He wants transparency and honesty. He already knows what we need – which ultimately is Him. His provision. His help. His healing. His direction. His strength. His forgiveness. His mercy.

David knew that no matter how bad things got God was still on His throne, God’s promises would remain true, and God was still deserving of praise. May we fully grasp those same truths, regardless of our circumstances today.
