Using This Time To Grow In Our Relationship With God

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In a matter of a few days, my two weeks of no work/school has shifted to six weeks. I have no faith in the fact that this latest six-week proclamation will actually remain six weeks in length. As we all know, information is changing so rapidly, how could anyone really feel as though they can make a plan that will not actually need to be altered repeatedly?

One would think that as I place my head on the pillow each night, I would be able to sleep peacefully knowing that the next day I would wake up and not have to go to a job that can be so volatile and sometimes violent. However, my mind seems to find its place on the hamster wheel and relentlessly attempts to search for solutions to help in this crisis. (In case you were wondering – I’ve actually come up with very few solutions!)

I can’t help but think about my students. How will they do with a break like this? Many of them struggle at home – more so than they do at school – so how will they do? I think about my own children and my heart hurts. I am saddened by the prospect of how Hannah’s senior experience is looking. I see the weight in Grace as she feels socially cut off from her friends. I am grieved by the loss of fellowship even at church. One of the highlights of my year is always Easter Sunday. For the first time in my life – Easter Sunday will take place in a group of less than 10.

I am not afraid. I am sad. My heart is heavy.

As I try to make sense of this time and find productive things to do that fit into the realm of “social distancing,” I have landed on a few house projects – like weeding my yard (which is proving to be no easy task!) and doing some spring cleaning. But beyond that, I have purchased a few books and have begun to read.

Reading at this point in my life looks quite a bit different than it used to. When I was younger I would read all the time. I loved losing myself in a good story. Occasionally, I still enjoy reading this type of book, but the majority of my reading time these days my selections look different. I want to learn. I want to grow. I seek out books that encourage me in my walk with the LORD. I hunt for authors who know God intimately and write in such a way that I am challenged in my thinking and day to day practices. I have been reading books on faith, books on prayer, and books on the Holy Spirit.

What I thought I would do this morning is share a thought from the book I am currently reading that spoke to me, and then share a few verses that related to the quote that really spoke hope to me. My hope is that in reading these pieces, we would remember who we are, how amazing our God is, and how blessed we are to be His.

As Christians, we have someone living within us who is God. He has the mind of God, He knows the will of God, and He knows God’s feelings. He resides within us because He wants to help us think the way God thinks, desire what God desires, and feel what God feels.” – Robert Morris, “The God I Never Knew”

Whether we know it or not – whether we have ever heard a sermon or received teaching about it or not, we as Christians, have all been given the incredible gift of God’s Holy Spirit. His dwelling in us is not creepy. His dwelling in us is actually nothing short of miraculous. God chooses to dwell in us! I am amazed that God planned this to happen. We are so messy. So self-centered and frankly often so opposite of God – and yet He has placed a piece of Himself within us so that we can become transformed. We can grow. We can begin to look less and less like our selfish selves and more and more like Jesus! Amazing.

Wouldn’t it be great if instead of filling our time and our minds with garbage we were intentional during this time to create habits that would increase our understanding of who God is? Instead of binge-watching news, television programs that are counter to God and embrace our fallen culture – what if we intentionally carved out time to create a new depth of intimacy with our Father? With His Son? The Holy Spirit who is within us?

You know, Jesus asked for this gift for each of us. Prior to His death and resurrection, God had not allowed Himself to speak to more than a select few priests and prophets. But God has created a way for us to draw close to Him. He has made a way for us to know Him better. God sent Jesus to walk among us and help us see God more clearly. In the same way, God sent His Spirit so that we might experience God intimately. In Jesus’ words, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.” (John 14:16) Personally, I need all the help and advocacy I can get. Thank you, God, for this gift!

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:11) I am not sure if you have allowed yourself to go there – but I have been thinking that I want my thoughts to align with God’s thoughts. I know I blow it. I know I struggle. I am a work in progress, to say the least. And yet, I know that God sees my thoughts and still loves me. I want so much to not only learn about God through His Word, I want my heart and mind to experience Him through the Spirit. His Spirit. I want the Spirit to have full access to every part of me. I want Him to speak to me and I want to be obedient to His direction. Full access. Holding nothing back. Releasing control.

Friend, I am challenging you to spend this time doing something different than worrying. Don’t waste the opportunity that is being presented to us. This is a time to experience God and grow in our relationship with Him. God has brought us to this time. What will we do with it?
