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Oh LORD, help me to keep my eyes on that which is important and not become side-barred by that which is not. Help me, LORD, to remember and believe what you say is true about me. Help me not to believe or put too much value or worth in the opinions of others. It is Your opinion I seek. It is Your nearness I crave.

Father, I don’t understand the nature of what is happening here. I don’t understand how we can struggle so deeply with one another when we are actively seeking You. How is it possible? I know there must be more than I can see and understand. Clearly, there must be! I don’t get how Your people can be praying for the same thing and yet still not see it manifested between them – at least not when their prayers align with Your will. I know that this prayer is Your will. It is a part of Your design.

Am I missing something? Is there some lesson that You would have me to learn that I am in need of? Is the lesson not mine, but for the other involved? If so – in either option, God I ask that You would open our eyes. I ask for clarity of thought. I ask for wisdom and for discernment for both of us. I ask that you would help us to continue to bring our hearts and hurts before you along with our desires and needs. LORD, I believe that You are too loving not to care about them. I know that You desire transparency and intimacy from us. LORD, I want to hold nothing back from You.

There are times, Father, where I question my sanity. There are times LORD, where I wonder – or am led to question – if my perspective is so completely skewed from the reality of my situation. Again, Father, this blows my mind. It’s not that my perspective and my vision isn’t flawed – I know all human perspective and vision is – but I don’t believe it to be “so off.” LORD, I am not sure why you give the gifts You give, but I do believe that one of the gifts You have given me is to see details that others miss. You have given me the ability to see so many times through what is spoken, or the actions displayed. I have asked for wisdom. I have asked for discerning in my spirit, and I believe You have honored my requests. I believe that is why I have been so successful in my job. I am puzzled then, with this part of my life.

What am I missing? What would You have me to do differently? What prayer should I be lifting up to You that I haven’t already been lifting now for so many years?

Heavenly Father, I do want You to search my heart and mind. I do want You to continue to point out to me each and every area that needs refining and to be pulled into obedience and submission to You. I desire so much to live this life with intentionality. I want to become the woman You designed me to be. What I know about You LORD, is that You love to take broken things and make them beautiful. You love to take the dust of our brokenness and form it into something lovely and filled with purpose. I believe that has been Your plan since brokenness entered the world. I know that You have no desire to abandon those who cry out to You – seeking You. So LORD, again, I ask that You would hear every cry – know every thought – and do what only You can do.

While I wait, LORD strengthen my resolve to seek and depend upon You. Protect my mind with Your word of truth. Guide me along the path of righteousness. Keep me safe from the attacks on my mind from the evil one. Remind me of the power that is available to me through Your Holy Spirit. Let me not forget who I am – a child of the KING.

Even greater, LORD, let me not forget who You are! May I never cease to praise You for Your greatness! Your character never changes. You are full of mercy and grace. Your word is true – in You is nothing untrue. You have been and always will be faithful. You are creator. Redeemer. Savior. You are ever present. Healer. Miracle worker. Mighty counselor. Light in the darkness. Holy One. Hope of the world.

LORD, I thank you for always listening. Always caring. Always loving. I love you, LORD. I ask that You would increase my love and passion for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.