Investing In The Right Thing

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Will this situation ever right itself? What would you have me to do God during this season of life? How do I know you haven’t abandoned us?

Friend, in times such as we are currently finding ourselves, we need to make a decision. Will I choose to focus on unanswered questions and the information that I see (literally see) or will I choose to focus on the One who is always present but that my eyes cannot behold, but only see the works of? Will my problems and the problems of the world become too big for the hands of my God?

God hasn’t changed. His hand remains strong and mighty. His vision is not clouded by persuasive or political speeches and presentations. God has never been a superficial God. He sees and knows the hearts of all mankind.

I am aware that many are struggling right now. While I can see in part, I am certain that there are even more people – friends – who are quiet about their struggle. They don’t want to add another burden to the plates of others, or perhaps they don’t want to come across as wrestling with all that is going on – after all, that might make them seem weak in their faith. Healing and help comes through transparency and relationship, not through isolation and silence. Wherever we land, though, be assured that God sees and knows your heart and mind. He is aware and He cares about you. He loves you.

What should I do? How do I keep from being overwhelmed by it all?

One of the absolute best things a believer can do is be intentional about spending time connecting with Jesus. I’m not talking about watching a church service on Sunday mornings. I’m sorry to say, that will not be enough. We need more. Living this way would be like knowing you were at war, but only allowing yourself to access all you need for the battles one day per week. Who could fight effectively eating one day per week? Who could fight effectively having their weapons in hand only one day per week? Who could fight effectively if they were only listening to their military leader one day per week? No army would ever operate that way! It couldn’t and still be effective. Their enemy would never be defeated. In fact, their enemy would probably be watching and laughing at their folly – their error in judgement.

Friend, we aren’t meant to be one day a week followers of Christ. We were designed for so much more! God is after a relationship with us. It’s in the nearness to Him that our fears can be calmed. It’s by investing our time and being intentional about meeting with Him, talking to Him, seeking Him, that we will know our next steps, and at the same time experience His peace in the middle of this storm.

Your time with God doesn’t need to be like my time with God. It can be, but it certainly doesn’t need to be. But you do need to have time with Him. Daily. Our troubles don’t seem to take a break, why should our faith? I’m telling you, friend, God will reveal Himself to you – He will speak to You, if you give Him an opportunity and ask Him to.

I want to share with you 2 passages that spoke to me over the last 2 days. The first comes out of the devotion book that I am reading. It is a book called “God Calling.” It’s old. The pages are falling out. But it holds special meaning. It was my Gram’s. She read it faithfully and her red pencil markings run throughout it, giving me a glimpse into her heart and mind even while she sits in the presence of her Savior now.

I AM with you all the time controlling, blessing and helping you. No man or woman can stand against My Will for you. A whole world of men and women cannot do this – if you trust Me and place your affairs in My Hands.’

To the passenger it may seem as if each wave would overwhelm the ship, or turn it aside from its course. The captain knows by experience that, in spite of wind and wave, he steers a straight course to the haven where he would be.’

So trust Me, the Captain of your salvation.” – God Calling.

God can hold it all. We can place everything in His capable hands and trust Him with it. If we will trust Him to lead us, He will – and we will find ourselves heading exactly where we want and need to be. He will not lead us astray. I love that.

The second passage comes out of the Bible passage that I read this morning. I’ve been reading out of the book of John. In chapter 10, Jesus is trying to help the crowds of people listening to him understand that He is the Great Shepard. He calls and leads those who recognize His voice.

I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and He is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.” – John 10:28-30

This is why we need to daily spend time investing. When I do, I am reminding myself of who God is, and how deeply loved and protected I am as His child. NO ONE CAN SNATCH ME AWAY. Not a person. Not a virus. Not violence. I will not be allowed to leave the security found in His strong hand. I belong to the God of Creation – the King of Kings and LORD of Lords. And because I am reminded of this, I can live like it’s true even when the world is trying to convince me otherwise. Make sense?

God’s here. He’s ready to encourage you. Meet you. Grow you. Prepare you. He’s never stopped doing His part. He never will. Are we doing ours? Are we preparing for the battles we will face today, or just hoping things change without suiting up? Our best response to the challenges we face can only occur when we have spent time with the One who has the power to move mountains.
