Has Truth Changed?

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Does truth change? Is truth subjective? Is it based upon interpretation and life experiences, or is it absolute?

Likely, we won’t all agree. As believers, I believe that we should agree on this, yet through other circumstances – like cultural influence and frankly, lack of investing time and effort into a book that some feel is “outdated” or only parts are believed, confusion enters and sort of muddies up the water.

Is God the author of truth – even the embodiment of it, or not? Is God all-knowing? Is God actually holy and without sin? Do the words He speaks carry weight and wisdom that exceeds the weight or varying wisdom of man?

Are we all knowing? Can we understand cause and effect through every decision, every action, and every thought? Are we on par with God? Are we more intelligent than He? Do we know better?

Culturally, in the church as well as out of the church, we are struggling for godship. We don’t necessarily want to call it that, because we likely fear what would happen if we did. Breaking the first commandment explicitly is still taboo. Yet, we seem to be willing to break it covertly. (As if God doesn’t see this, understand this, or is somehow unaware of it?)

God speaks truth. Truth comes from Him, and Him alone. Truth does not alter based upon cultural popularity or personal desire. Truth does not bend to justify my life choices or actions. Truth does not evolve over time. Truth is neither based upon my circumstances, experiences, or to accommodate for my preferences.

Truth is absolute. Truth exists. It has always existed. It will always exist. Our pretending will not make something true. Truth is not able to be constructed or altered by humanity, because it doesn’t come from humanity. It comes from God. The One True God.

God does not make mistakes.

God does not sin.

God does not speak empty words.

God does not change or evolve.

God is not going to change His words to allow us to fall away from Him and enter into things that are bad for us. He is clear. He is loving. But love – real love – isn’t “everything goes” love, is it?

What if my sweet husband, Barry, came home one day and told me that he loved me, but he also loved another woman and wanted to stay married to me, but that he also wanted to be her boyfriend? Women, I promise you, the loving thing to do is not to simply say – “Well… ok. I love you. Go ahead. It must be ok because it’s what you feel. It’s what your heart is telling you.” Right?

Or, what if my child, whom I adore, were to come home and tell me, “Well, I decided that life isn’t really working out as I hoped. I wanted a car so much and I can’t really afford one that I like. I noticed this person left their keys in their car and so I figured they weren’t really that concerned about it. Besides, I know the insurance will cover it, so I took it. Isn’t it great?”

Is the loving thing to allow that which contradicts the truth? No. Truth doesn’t change. Adultery is still adultery. Theft is still theft. Both are sins – they go against God’s word and directive. Both result in consequences.

God isn’t concerned about our narratives. The details or our attempts at rationalization don’t change His mind. He is not a cognitively impaired outdated figure-head. He is LORD of all. Period.

Truth isn’t up for interpretation. Truth isn’t in need of an update.

We need to stop falling for the lies thrown at us culturally. And frankly, the only way I see us even able to recognize the lies is to 1) know what the truth is; 2) hold the lies up to the truth and see if they align or not. You and I can be easily fooled when we don’t even know God’s Word well enough to use it.

Friend, we are called to be set apart. It’s hard, I know. And likely, it will become even more challenging in the days ahead. God did not call His people to live as gods. He called us to live with God. Under God. In relationship with Him, and in obedience to Him. He does have our best interest in mind. There is a plan and purpose for each absolute He dictates. God will bless and strengthen those who strive to live lives that are set apart. Living for Him, and acknowledging and following His truth doesn’t mean we will not be accused with lies. Ok. I would rather be in obedience to God than man. I wasn’t created to live for man. I was created to live for God. So were you.

So who will you look to for truth? Mankind – in it’s changing, interpretive truth, or will you look to the author of it – God, Himself – and know that truth was the same yesterday, today, and forever?

Psalm 119:160 “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Darlene Wood

    Thank you Michelle. I appreciate your God centered messages.

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