Battle Between Good And Evil

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It amazes me how much time and effort has gone into God’s Word, so that we, his people, might know and understand what is right and wrong. In essence, so that we wouldn’t try to rely upon ourselves to determine good from evil – but rather we could rely upon the truth shared with us by a holy God who is unchanging. Let’s be real – our “truth’s” change when they are removed from God’s. We change them to fit our circumstances or desires, or base them off of the experiences we have have had in this life.

That’s not really truth, is it? That is emotion. That is perspective taking based on our own limited lens – but it is not truth. Truth can be known. Truth is unchanging. Truth is not subjective.

It’s surprising that time and time again, we as humans just seem to blow it. We choose self, over God, and our truth over his. For many of us – especially true of those of us who call ourselves Christ followers, as well as the Jewish community, this blows me away. Again, we know God has given us truth. We know that God has been revealing himself generation after generation since the creation of mankind. We are provided with his recommendations, commands, and promises. We understand, or at least we should based on history, that when we stray from God’s ways, and place ourselves or other manmade gods as a higher authority in our lives – truth givers – we will experience God’s promise of withdrawing his hand of blessing, and protection from evils.

We should know better. We should be wiser. We should be investing regularly in reading, and re-reading the Word so that we better understand and are keeping it constantly in the forefront of our minds so that our hearts and minds are not led astray. We know this, don’t we?

And yet… We invest in binge watching T.V. programs. We invest in video games. We invest in distractions – hobbies, sports, social media, news, exercise – you name it – we pour ourselves into just about everything BUT the Word. And then we wonder why things seem so out of whack. We wonder why we don’t feel the blessings of God. We wonder why our relationships struggle. We wonder why our country is becoming so violent and evil.

It’s not uncommon for me to feel like I am reading something for the first time when I am studying God’s Word. (That’s why they call it the Living Word of God.) So many big thoughts seemed to jump out today.

First, I was reading in 2 Chronicles about Solomon dedicating the Temple of the LORD, and how magnificent it was when God arrives during that dedication. His presence was so overwhelming that no one else was able to enter the Temple. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine feeling God so strongly – and not even by yourself – all of Israel felt and saw this occur. The people fall down on the ground and worshiped and praised the LORD. (Chapter 7:2-3) In that interaction God is affirming his covenant with them and declaring that they can bring all their needs to him – he will hear – as long as they humble themselves, seek his face, and turn from their wicked ways.

In light of what they just experienced, you’d think this was a great offer, right? This is not a man standing before them making something up about a wooden or even golden idol. This is truth, a promise, coming from the LORD God – the One and only God.

It isn’t but a short time later, we read that Solomon, the king and leader of these people, is building a palace and moving his wife (Pharaoh’s daughter) into it. Why? Well, he realizes that she shouldn’t be living in King David’s palace, because the Ark of the LORD had been there and therefore that place was holy. (Chapter 8:11)

This made me pause, and hopefully you will pause for a minute with me. Solomon knew that the Ark had dwelt there. He grew up there. Solomon knew that God had promised him to rule Israel after his father. Solomon knew of God’s hand of blessing upon his father. Solomon knew and saw his father’s love and commitment to God, and even greater, witnessed his relationship with God. Solomon knew God had told his people not to intermarry with people outside the Jewish community and he knew why God said that. Yet Solomon, in all his wisdom, married (as one wife) Pharaoh’s daughter. Pharaoh who was a god for his people, and worshiped other false idols. Solomon knew that this wife was not someone God would approve of, and so he moved her.

Why take her in the first place? Well, I believe this is what happens when truth is subjective. I believe this is what happens when we live as if truth comes from our feelings and experiences alone. I believe this is what happens when we place our happiness or pursuit of it above God’s holiness and the directions God has given us to be obedient to his unchanging truth.

Do you know what’s fascinating? How frequently history repeats itself!

The kingdom is divided following Solomon’s death. His son, Rehoboam is left ruling over Judah and the tribe of Benjamin. The rest split off and follow a different leader, King Jeroboam. Even there, Israel as a whole has not all that long ago experienced God and his presence, but they forget. They go astray.

I am not a gambler. I am not a risk taker. I know this about myself. I like security. I like truth and justice (Biblical justice – not the skewed version of justice we try and pass off today). I think this is one of the biggest reasons why I pursue God. He’s not a gamble. He’s a sure thing. He’s faithful, honest, consistent, holy, and always good. What I know is that I am not. I am a sinner. I blow it. I could easily go astray – unless – God’s Word is consistently before me. I am less likely to blow it when I interact with him throughout the day. I am less likely to do stupid things with big and painful consequences when I decide in advance to act in obedience.

Friend, I mentioned the two kingdoms because in so many ways, I believe we are still there. Two kingdoms. One kingdom represents the LORD and those who are following him. One kingdom representing self and the idols and false gods created by man. Two kingdoms. If you have never read the story, I would suggest starting in chapter 10 and read through the next few chapters.

All the followers of God left Israel, and moved to the kingdom of Judah. Why? Jeroboam did his own thing. He created his own idols and anointed priests who did not come from the tribe God dictated. The scriptures say, “From all the tribes of Israel, those who sincerely wanted to worship the LORD, the God of Israel followed the Levites to Jerusalem, where they could offer sacrifices to the LORD, the God of their ancestors.” (Chapter 11:14-16)

Are you willing to take a stand? Do you know what to stand against? I don’t think that the people who followed Jeroboam and his idols understood or even really knew what they were doing. In part, perhaps, they just liked some of the sin that they knew God wouldn’t tolerate. But ultimately, they blew God off for self, and my guess is that in a big part that was because they didn’t really feel close to God. It’s hard to feel close to God when you don’t invest in a relationship with him. When you don’t know his Word and what he reveals in it. When you depend upon somebody in leadership to teach it to you.

Please understand, if you read the chapters, you’ll see, Rehoboam wasn’t a perfect leader either. He is firmly established in his kingdom and abandon’s the LORD for a period of time as well. And yet, this imperfect king humbles himself and returns to God.

It’s just my observation and self-reflection here, but as I look back over my life, I know I am less likely to grieve the heart of God when I am seeking to know him and be obedient to him. This is why it is so important for you and I to develop habits that keep us on the path of truth. Don’t rely on man to teach you when God, himself, has offered to do it.

LORD, you know my heart. You know that more than anything, I want a heart like yours. I want to live in a way that brings you honor and glory and that uses the time you have given me here on earth well. I seek to know you more, LORD, claiming the promise that when we seek, we will find. Lead me. Cleanse my heart from everything that is untrue. Every lie. Every sin. Strengthen me. Grant me wisdom and discernment so that I can recognize what honors you and stand against that which does not. Make me bold for you, even when it is not popular to be so. You hold the keys to truth. You are unchanging and faithful. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
