Do The Work

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The book of Isaiah is loaded with prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. The prophecies are revealed to Isaiah about 700 years before the coming of Christ. Isaiah will not live to see the Messiah on earth, but he is given such a gift in the knowledge of who this Messiah will be and what his coming will mean to Israel and the world.

Isaiah chapter 53 is filled with words about the Messiah. If you haven’t read that chapter in the bible – or if it has been awhile since you have – I recommend that you read it. Each and every prophetic word was fulfilled in Jesus. Statistically, this is impossible, that is unless the Word of God is infallible.

Is God’s Word infallible? Does it hold true? Is it historically accurate? Is the Bible the Word of God, or is it just the writings of man’s creation?

I have grown up in the church. My daddy was a pastor (now retired), and my mama (a teacher) invested in her children’s exposure to the Word of God at a young age. We were always raised to believe that God’s Word is true, holy, and holds the keys to life. As I grew older and became more and more independent of my parents, I wanted to know God for myself. I wanted to make sure that I knew what the Word said and not just blindly believe what I had been taught by others. I made a habit for myself of spending time studying the Bible. In so doing, I came to realize that my relationship with God and my understanding of Him was deepening. God began to speak to me in our times together. God began to answer my prayers for wisdom and discernment. God began to change my weaknesses into strengths. He took my faults and struggles and has transformed them into areas of compassion for others and teaching tools for use with others.

Why do I tell you this? My habits have not changed. My belief that God is holy, righteous, and just have not lessened. My understanding that truth exists and can be known has not faded. The idea that right and wrong – good and evil – are not subjective but have been dictated by the Creator of the Universe since the dawn of creation remains evident to me. I still believe that God cares deeply about the state of our hearts, the character of our souls, and whether or not we have accepted his gift of grace far more than he does about the color of my skin or the heritage of my ancestors.

Do you? Who or what is leading your investigation?

It has become more and more evident to me that we need to have roots that are deeply planted in God’s Word so that we are able to recognize when ideas from culture – or even other Christian leaders – are twisting what God says. Truthfully, we know that we cannot control others and what they say and do – but that does not free us from the responsibility of finding out for ourselves. We are the ones who will either blindly follow or will put in the time and effort to learn for ourselves.

For me, personally, I am continuing to read and study the Word. That hasn’t changed. What has changed is that I am now also investing time in apologetics. I want to be able to know and recognize the shift from true teaching to the lies of progressive Christianity. I know that the most believable lies are those that hold just enough truth to sound good, or feel good. They sort of “stretch the truth” through omitting or adding in that which frankly, isn’t true. I am unwilling to blindly follow. I am unwilling to naively trust. There is simply too much at stake here.

Our God wants us to seek Him and know Him. He is trustworthy. He will not contradict Himself. When God has revealed His plans to His prophets they have come true. We may not always understand God’s ways. We may not always agree with God’s ways. But this does not negate or lessen the fact that God’s ways are perfect, right, just, and lead to holiness. He is God. He sets the standard. We do not.

“Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you fill find life.” (Isaiah 55:3) “Seek the LORD while you can find Him. Call on Him now while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6) “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Friend, I encourage you to make sure that what you are feeding yourself with is actually aligned to God’s Word and truth.


As a side note: For those of you who are reading this blog on Facebook, please know that I am not disconnecting this feed. My blog should continue to be posted there… however, please know that I am stepping away from Facebook personally. If you want to connect with me via comments, etc., I would encourage you to follow my blog via email and comment that way, or feel free to text me.

Additionally, for any of you who are looking to go deeper and are interested in recognizing the lies we as Christians are being fed right now, there are a few recommendations I would make with podcasts available on YouTube. Alisa Childers, Mike Winger, Allie Beth Stuckey, Martyn Iles, John Cooper (under “Cooper Stuff”), and Hugh Ross, produce podcasts aimed at biblical truth.

For those of you who like to read, I would highly recommend the book “Another Gospel?” by Alisa Childers.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Shirley Rainwater

    Michelle, thank you for taking time to send out your blog with Godly wisdom. I appreciate the insight.

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