What Do You Need?

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Yesterday morning when I woke up I had a text message waiting to be read from my mom. “Sweetheart I think you are going to need to come…” She then proceeded to tell me that my Aunt had taken a turn for the worse the day before and that her body is beginning to shut down. As one of her doctors told us, “There isn’t anything that can save her at this point outside of a miracle.”

Do you know what I am realizing – even I as I am writing this? That’s true not just for my Aunt. There isn’t anything that would save us – short of a miracle either. I know that I am certainly not good enough. I certainly don’t hold the power to save. The only good that I have is because of Christ who lives in me. Honestly, it’s not me that’s good. It’s Him. And His miraculous willingness to come in human form and deal with this broken and messed up, sinful world, is nothing to dismiss casually. It is a miracle, isn’t it? It certainly feels like one to me! My life was redeemed solely by His willingness to take my sin upon himself and die.

So what do you need?

I think so often we know what we want. I think that so often we can try and divide our wants into some crazy rating system and even label some wants as needs. We need clothing – yeah, but for many of us not in the way we act like we do. We need food – sure, but not in the quantities or even varieties we desire. We sort of convolute the word need, don’t we?

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. I think many of the things we need – like truly need – are less tangible than I have believed and been taught to believe. Maybe most of my needs are unseen. My need for salvation. My need for help. My need for hope. My need for forgiveness. My need for wisdom. My need for comfort. My need to know and be known. My need for relationship.

Jesus says in Matthew 6:8 “for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!” Friend, I am really taking comfort in that promise. It’s really quite a statement if you believe it – and I do. This means that God knew before that text arrived and before my eyes had ever laid ahold of it what my Aunt’s needs were. He knew what my family’s needs were. He knew what my needs were. He knew it all even before I opened my mouth to share it with him. And we have shared it with Him. I really believe that He wants us to do that – share our hearts – our needs and our praises with Him. He knows. Yet it’s a sort of connection with our Heavenly Father when we do this.

I think of it as an opportunity for intimacy. Yesterday I drove up to the hospital on my own. I knew only one person was allowed in at a time, and the rules were that only two people could go in to see my aunt in a 24 hour period. I knew that this was especially hard on my daughter Grace. She really wanted to go. When I arrived, my aunt was not in good shape. She had some labored breathing. She was unresponsive to me. I spoke over her. I read scripture over her. I prayed over her and for those who would be providing her care. Grace had wanted me to FaceTime with her at the very least, and I made the decision not to – since my aunt wasn’t alert. I know that this decision didn’t sit well with Grace.

In a matter of hours, the situation changed. I was getting ready to head back to Springfield (literally in the hospital parkade) when I got the call saying they were now allowing 3 people in at a time. No 24-hour limitation. No visiting hour restrictions. The end is near. Friend, I had already been communicating with God about this situation. I had already been asking for guidance and wisdom. God knew my needs. He also knew Grace’s need – even better than I did. And so I drove home ate a meal with my husband and two girls, and then turned around and drove back to the hospital.

God knew exactly what we needed. My Aunt was awake and while incredibly weak, was able to say some meaningful words to each of us, while also allowing us to say some meaningful things to her. My needs were met in a way that had been nothing short of a gift – and not a generic type of gift… No, it was clearly tailor-made and personal. Meaningful.

What do you need?

Let Jesus’ words resonate with you: “You parents – if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?” (Matthew 7:9-11)

Beautiful. God knows your needs – your real needs – even before you ask him. And He loves to give good gifts and meet those needs if we do ask. How can we not be grateful?

LORD, thank you for the many ways that you demonstrate your love and faithfulness to your children. Thank you, Father, for meeting each need beyond what we can imagine or ever deserve. You are so good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Twrri

    Thank you Michelle. This resonates with me as I pray daily for a companion for my daughter at her new school. God knows what she needs.

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