In Spite Of…

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I need a plan. If you know me, you know that this is true. I love a good plan. Ultimately I don’t really care if the plan is my own, was made collaboratively or is someone else’s plan. I just like having a plan. I feel more comfortable knowing there is one and that I am not spontaneously rolling through life a day at a time.

With that said, I have been asking God quite a bit lately what my plan should be. I feel confident that God will use His people however He sees fit when He sees fit if they yield their hearts and desires to Him. Honestly, I have no doubt that God’s planning is far superior to my own. I know He sees what I cannot see and knows what I cannot possibly know! And yet, even with the knowledge of God having a plan for those who ask Him to lead their lives and the knowledge that God’s creation of a plan far exceeds one that I can generate – I must confess that I have been sitting here almost daily asking God to please reveal it to me.

There are so many moving pieces to the puzzle of this life. So many “layers to this onion” as I sometimes explain to others. The complexities of my life (and for that matter our family’s lives and those in which our lives would have a ripple effect) are extensive. Planning is hard. Executing a plan – even a great one – is challenging.

For this reason, I find that I can trust only in the plans of my Creator. Only He can possibly formulate something that can bring Him honor and blessing – bring forth good – because only He is good. Only He has the vision to see.

I will not go into specifics about the complexities of my life. Not now, anyway. However, I will share that God is so good and so faithful to me. He is a constant and consistent presence. He sees my needs. Cares about them. Meets them.

This morning, as is my habit, I spent time with the LORD. Friend, this is the absolute best use of my time. Period. I would highly encourage you to form this habit if you aren’t yet doing so. God often speaks to me during this time. God shares with me and encourages me, and strengthens me for this journey through life. This morning was no different.

May you be encouraged by one of the treasures God shared with me today. It is from a devotion book by Lloyd John Ogilvie called, “God’s Best For My Life.” “God can weave in His plans despite the evil that people do to and around us. The hurts which people do and say are not beyond the providential workings of our God! Nothing can deter the plan of God. Just as He used everything that went seemingly against Joseph for what he had planned for him, so too He can use the difficulties we are facing right now to get us one step further in His plan. Trust the LORD. God is working His purposes out in spite of what people do to us.”

What an incredible encouragement. God’s plans can be trusted. While I may not see or understand the plan – and while I may be wondering and wishing and waiting for direction – God is busy working things out for what His plan holds for me. He is shifting what needs to be shifted. Moving what needs to be moved – both in and out of my life. What an amazing God! In spite of it all – His plan and His will cannot and will not be thwarted. I love that!

Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for intimately knowing and seeing each need and every desire of our hearts. Thank you, LORD, for the ways that you lead and protect your children. I am so grateful to have a knowledge and love for you. Please increase my affection and devotion to you daily. Give me ears to hear your leading and a humble and obedient heart ready to follow and carry out what you say. You are so good! So worthy of trust! So worthy of my praise! I invite you to lead me each and every day toward your plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
