Trusting God With Everything

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Am I trusting God to provide and meet the ever-growing list of needs before me? Am I bringing my requests to Him, asking for His hand to provide? Or am I striving to meet the needs by my own strength?

What am I doing to prepare my heart for God’s presence? Am I seeking Him as a last resort or my immediate go-to? Do I really believe that God is capable of saving me from my circumstances, or is my heart so consumed by doubt and my struggles that belief seems to be dim at best?

I don’t know where you find yourself, but for me, I feel like I am not consistent in my answers if I am being truthful. So many times I feel like I know God can and will help me – but I first try to fix the problems on my own. As if my power were strong enough – or my wisdom great enough – to solve the situation. It is not.

I keep getting in the way. And when “I” get in the way, I am setting myself up for sin. I will never have the answers. I will never be wise enough. Not apart from God. “I” should be submitted to “Him” and allow “Him” to be the filter of all things.

God never tires of my placing Him first. But what about all the times when I don’t?

God desires to provide. God is capable of doing so. But what if we don’t ask?

What is the current state of my relationship with God? Am I investing in a relationship with Him? Or am I only coming to Him with my wishlist much like I would bring before Santa Claus?

God wants us to bring our needs and requests to Him – no doubt. And God wants more. He wants us to know Him and love Him as a friend. He wants us to trust Him with our whole hearts. Not just our needs. He wants us to stop hiding our real selves from Him (as if He doesn’t already know the state of our hearts and minds), and be transparent before Him.

I cannot be trusted. My emotions are too misleading. My wisdom is too limited. My vision is too restricted.

This is why I must choose One who is greater than I to depend upon to meet all my needs. There is One who can be trusted. There is One whose power knows no end. One whose wisdom exceeds comprehending. There is One who sees and knows all things and is never overwhelmed.

Why would I ever trust in myself when such a One exists?

LORD, help me to seek You first. Help me to put all my hope and trust in You. Strengthen my resolve to depend upon You, holding nothing back. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
