Don’t Misunderstand Why He Came

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How easy it is to misunderstand, right? Isn’t this especially true when we are not getting the information from the source, but rather hearing someone else’s interpretation of something?

I was thinking about the times as children where we play a game called “Broken Telephone” (at least that’s what we used to call it). In this game, one person would come up with a sentence or phrase and whisper it into the ear of another and then the whispered message would head down a string of other children. Eventually, the phrase would find itself at the end, and that child would share what was said. Do you remember what typically happened here (I mean if the kids were actually whispering and the phrase wasn’t too short/obvious)? The message was a wreck. It would no longer be what was actually spoken by the creator, but some crazy message that evolved through the passage of imperfect hearing and retelling.

I want to be clear about something, just in case your mind is skeptical as far as the Bible goes. There is tons of evidence that support that this is not the case with the Bible. Yes, it was passed down. Yes, it was written down over and over. Yes, there are some wonky finds out there that people try to use to negate the Bible and its validity as well as accuracy. If you find yourself in that camp or are just wondering about that issue, I would encourage you to dig deeper. Whole studies have been done here by all sorts of archaeologists, investigators, theologians, and other specialists. Check out “The Case For Christ” by Lee Strobel as one example if you haven’t already begun down that journey. Truly, archaeological findings are being discovered annually in the Middle East that continues to align with what is documented in the Bible. This document, like none other in the existence of the world, continues to hold up to discovery, accuracy, and relevancy. Why? Unlike any other book, this one is from God.

Ok, back to where I began…

Friends, if you aren’t aware of this, there is a movement that is taking place in our culture called the Progressive Christianity Movement. There are some big churches and some big-name pastors and worship leaders (even worship artists) who are pushing this agenda as if it were some sort of new revelation or superior new teaching. What do I mean – new agenda? Well, basically the “agenda” is to change what God’s word says to make it fit what I want it to say. If there are parts of the Bible that don’t make sense to me, I can discard those. If there are stories that seem impossible to me (due to their miraculous nature let’s say), I can treat those stories as myths – perhaps entertaining – but myths just the same. If there are things that God says he hates or commands God gives that I don’t like (perhaps they seem unkind to me) then I will treat them as outdated, and irrelevant. I will claim that they no longer matter to God or impact my relationship with him. (Reader beware: When we begin to believe that we have any kind of superior thought to God and what is right or wrong we are walking a slippery slope of self-worship. We are in fact, claiming to have “godship.” This is idolatry. Putting other gods – in this case, “self” and or “cultural norms” – as a god instead of relying upon God to have his rightful place.)

We simply cannot write off – say the Old Testament – or the chunks of law that we don’t like. Why? They were given to us for a reason. Additionally, I would make a case that if Jesus believed the law and the righteousness of God in determining it, shouldn’t we?

Matthew 5:17-19 “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until it’s purpose is achieved. So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Jesus didn’t come to change the law. He fulfilled it. He clarified it. He lived it out.

We, my friends, as believers in Jesus Christ are no longer under God’s law per se but are under the new covenant. This means that we are not made right with God through sacrifice. The sacrifice for us – to free us from our sins and make us in right standing with the Holy God has been done for us. Once for all time. One man’s life in exchange for the lives of any who would call on him, believe in him, take him as their LORD and Savior – and through this action alone be saved. Grace. Not merit. Not deed. Pure mercy. Grace.

We need to have our eyes and ears open. We need to be wise and discerning to the teachings around us. We need to put the effort and energy into measuring every word we hear and every thought we have to the greatest extent possible against the Word of God. God’s teachings are different from what we’d like to pass off as godly. But friend, trust me, we could never meet the bill – the cost – of being God.

LORD forgive us of the times that we have tried to take your place as Savior and LORD. Certainly LORD, we recognize in part, likely we miss the whole of our sins and the cost of our sin to you. We have downplayed it. We have become too familiar in some cases while in others we have remained far too passive in not learning and investing in your Word. Forgive us of our pride and arrogance. Open our ears to hear. Open our eyes to see. Soften our hearts to recieve. Make our minds like sponges to absorb your Word and the goodness, faithfulness, righteousness and blessing you bring and desire for us – your creation. Help us to desire you above self – every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lynn Devereux

    let the scales fall from our eyes

  2. Joyce Thompson

    A friend of mine in Iowa has a Bible where Jimmy Swaggert explains the Scripture just read. This is the Bible she reads and believes in. His words are not the words I read in Scripture. We need to be very careful as to such teachings as that.
    Thank you for writing and sharing again.

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