Time Challenge

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This morning I have had a little extra time to myself. The reason for the time stems from the fact that I needed to make/have a doctor’s appointment for one of my kids. So, I took the morning off from work and will head in to start the school day at noon. I could have slept in and started the morning routine later, but I made the decision last night that I would rather take less sleep than I could have so that I ensure that what I want to do actually gets done.

You see, I don’t know about you, but I am pretty schedule-oriented. I like my routines. It’s not that I don’t like surprises (at least certain types of surprises), but I haven’t figured out a way – other than running on a schedule – where all my “things” can get done. And it has come to my attention (especially so lately), that I have a lot of “things” I want to get done!

So what are the things that I want to get done – that are priorities over sleep? I can’t answer for you, but I can say with 100% certainty that for me, time with the LORD. You see, there is literally no other time of the day when I would be able to spend time reading, studying, and praying if I don’t use that early morning time. It’s true. While we are blessed by a large home, one of us is a morning person by nature (Hannah), two of us are night owls (Barry and Grace), and I find myself in a “non-identified other” category?? I can function in the morning due to years of practice (21 to be exact – thank you, Hannah) but honestly, I think I am more in my “A-game” mentally around 9-10:00 am. Likewise, as much as I try, I cannot really function as a night-owl either. (Not unless the owl becomes a bear nearing winter hibernation!) I just can’t keep awake – or stay coherent.

Yet God’s word and the reading of it are really important. I need it. I don’t just want it. I truly do need it. It grounds me. It is truly the only thing that is keeping me sane. It provides me with consistent and actual truth in a time when I am surrounded by that which isn’t true. It provides me with hope when the world around me continues to grow in discouragement and devastation. It provides me with strength when I am weak. It provides me with light when I feel trapped in dark places. It convicts me of the sins and garbage I have chosen and offers me a way to be free. It reminds me that this world is not all that there is and that this world is not my home. It reminds me that I am a new creation in Christ and that the old “me” can be transformed into a holier version of myself.

My goal in writing this isn’t to make anyone feel bad. What I do realize is that many people already feel that way – but for whatever reason – they continue to make the same “business as usual” behavioral decisions but are somehow expecting different results. It doesn’t work that way. It never has. It never will. Something has to change.

Maybe you need to give up some sleep, get out of bed, and get into the Word. Maybe you need to turn off the tv and tune into the Word of God. Maybe you need to stop filling your brain with romance novels and start filling your brain with the Word – which holds the greatest love story of all time. I don’t know what your change needs to be… but I encourage you to make it. Be intentional. You can do it.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Della

    Thank you I really needed this message.

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